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- 20:27 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 20:28 HgFin#8083 joins the race.
- 20:28 Zebews#7533 joins the race.
- 20:28 Zebews: Yo
- 20:30 Juicebox Commando: what's up boys
- 20:31 Zebews: Not much tbh, hbu
- 20:32 Juicebox Commando: I accidentally started my 1hr timer on my vampyrism aura on runescape like 20 mins ago, totally forgot I had commentary
- 20:32 Juicebox Commando: KEKW
- 20:33 Zebews: KEKW
- 20:38 Noob: hello yall
- 20:38 Zebews: sup
- 20:38 Noob: I will give out the seed when both players are here and live
- 20:39 Zebews: Not a halq seed POGGERS
- 20:39 Zebews: Not a halq seedPog
- 20:40 Zebews: jk <3
- 20:40 halqery: Not a halq seed POGGERS
- 20:40 Juicebox Commando: LET'S GOOOOO NOT A HALQ SEED
- 20:40 halqery: AYYYYYYYYYYY
- 20:41 Zebews: Double admin in the lobby monkaGIGA
- 20:41 Juicebox Commando: chat going so fast no one will notice that I'm KappaPride
- 20:41 HgFin: whats up
- 20:41 HgFin: sry i been watching the cs major lol
- 20:42 HgFin: this game is wild
- 20:43 HgFin: can someone tell me what channel the restream is so i can link it on my stream
- 20:44 Zebews:
- 20:44 HgFin: TY
- 20:44 Eponumos: yo
- 20:44 Eponumos#3810 joins the race.
- 20:44 HgFin: yoyo
- 20:47 Zebews: sup
- 20:49 Noob: yo~
- 20:49 Noob: seed is 857630241589\
- 20:49 Noob: 857630241589
- 20:52 HgFin: on it
- 20:54 Eponumos: I think I'm good to go
- 20:54 Eponumos: muted, no alerts, rom ready, no chat
- 20:54 Zebews: Just checked, both of you have the same seed, so gtg from that part
- 20:54 Eponumos: all focus B)
- 20:54 Zebews: PogO
- 20:55 Eponumos: PogO
- 20:55 HgFin: :3
- 20:55 HgFin: was taking a piss
- 20:55 HgFin: gotta close the csgo major now
- 20:56 HgFin: also forgot to make the timer the racetime one so yall might have to redo that layout
- 20:57 HgFin: other than that im ready
- 20:57 Eponumos: nice
- 20:57 Eponumos#3810 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:57 HgFin#8083 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:58 HgFin: GLHF
- 20:58 Eponumos: u2 <3
- 20:58 Zebews: Guysm you're too early, we still don't have the "Go" from the tech peeps :(
- 20:58 Eponumos: we can wait :)
- 20:58 Zebews: UR TOO GOOD
- 21:02 Juicebox Commando: gl y'all
- 21:03 Eponumos: thx
- 21:03 HgFin: ty
- 21:03 Zebews: Dropping the flag in a sec
- 21:04 Zebews: glgl <3
- 21:04 Zebews#7533 quits the race.
- 21:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:37 Eponumos#3810 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:33:07!
- 21:38 HgFin#8083 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:34:11!
- 21:38 Race finished in 0:34:11.7
- 21:39 HgFin: gg
- 21:39 Eponumos: gg to you aswell
- 21:58 Race result recorded by halqery#1616