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- 15:55 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 15:58 TheGamer7777#2759 joins the race.
- 16:03 Horse#4120 joins the race.
- 16:13 feasel: we'll be streaming this, so just give me a heads up before you get going, so i'll be ready
- 16:14 Horse: alright
- 16:20 feasel: i'm ready to get your streams cropped and volume levelled
- 16:20 feasel: can you bring up stream when you're ready
- 16:20 TheGamer7777: yeah we were just waiting on the rom
- 16:20 TheGamer7777: starting my stream in 2 secs
- 16:20 feasel: and also let me know if either of you is streaming game-audio only
- 16:21 TheGamer7777: mine should be up, ive got game and audio (or should)
- 16:22 Horse: mine will be as well be up in a sec
- 16:24 feasel: i don't hear any sound on Gamer's stream
- 16:25 TheGamer7777: odd one sec
- 16:25 TheGamer7777: fixed?
- 16:26 TheGamer7777: i think it was using the wrong input for some reason. Dont know why it got changed
- 16:26 Horse: we doing green sprites gamer
- 16:26 feasel: ok better
- 16:26 TheGamer7777: oh right the settings
- 16:26 Horse: if you scroll up a bit in discord diego posted them from my match
- 16:27 Horse: 7b12480a is my cv
- 16:27 feasel#8374 joins the race.
- 16:27 feasel: ive got the streams set up. just let me know when youre ready and i'll switch the scene over and drop out of here
- 16:27 Horse: alright, thanks for your help
- 16:28 Horse: just gonna grab a glass of water and i'll be good
- 16:28 TheGamer7777: 7b12480A?
- 16:28 Horse: looks like its the same
- 16:28 Horse: worst case scenerio we both have the same wrong settings
- 16:29 TheGamer7777: that is ideal
- 16:29 Horse: alright im ready
- 16:29 Horse#4120 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:29 TheGamer7777: 2 mins
- 16:29 Horse#4120 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 16:29 TheGamer7777: well you didnt have to unready lol
- 16:29 Horse: actually one sec
- 16:29 Horse: diego asked for the racetime room
- 16:29 DiRamz: Hi, feasel is here
- 16:29 DiRamz: haha
- 16:30 Horse: oh i seeyou were just making sure we were getting off alright
- 16:30 Horse#4120 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:30 feasel: that mean we have a commentator i wonder?
- 16:31 TheGamer7777#2759 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:31 Horse: eh, i doubt it
- 16:31 feasel: ok
- 16:31 Horse: feel free to start us whenever
- 16:31 feasel: in that case, i think we're ready to go
- 16:31 feasel: good luck players!
- 16:31 feasel: here we go
- 16:31 feasel#8374 quits the race.
- 16:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:31 TheGamer7777: tyty
- 16:31 Horse: lets find wigglytuff gamer
- 16:31 TheGamer7777: y
- 16:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:49 TheGamer7777#2759 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:17:42!
- 17:49 TheGamer7777: done
- 17:49 TheGamer7777: g
- 17:49 TheGamer7777: gg
- 17:49 Horse: gg
- 17:50 Horse#4120 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:50 Race finished in 1:18:17.8
- 17:50 Race result recorded by SahasrahBot#5329