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- 20:03 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact an SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 20:03 Tilimorf#9649 joins the race.
- 20:04 crossproduct: i punged Synack.. dunno if that helped or coincidence xD
- 20:04 crossproduct#2815 joins the race.
- 20:04 crossproduct:
- 20:04 crossproduct: oops
- 20:04 ok_beemer#2983 joins the race.
- 20:04 ok_beemer: you can use .join and .done
- 20:04 crossproduct:
- 20:04 ok_beemer: sorry i skipped over that so fast last race
- 20:05 crossproduct#2815 quits the race.
- 20:05 crossproduct#2815 joins the race.
- 20:05 ok_beemer: do you want a short break?
- 20:05 crossproduct: ok good... running up to the ship and trying to keep a finger on mousewithout moving it Jebaited
- 20:05 crossproduct: up to Tili
- 20:05 Tilimorf: I'm ready now
- 20:05 crossproduct: i kinda took it during my credits
- 20:05 ok_beemer: !roll
- 20:05 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 20:06 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 20:06 SahasrahBot:
- 20:06 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated and should now be in the race info.
- 20:06 crossproduct: just gonna pee after i config my controls
- 20:06 ok_beemer: np
- 20:07 Tilimorf#9649 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:07 Tilimorf: GL HF :D
- 20:07 Tilimorf: I'm hoping for game 3 XD
- 20:07 ok_beemer: FUNE EVIR ZOA OUM
- 20:08 ok_beemer: me too!
- 20:08 Tilimorf: agreed
- 20:08 crossproduct: i wanna take a nap xD
- 20:08 Tilimorf: lol
- 20:08 crossproduct: gonna restream Jet vs Solski at 7
- 20:10 crossproduct#2815 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:10 ok_beemer: alright lets GO
- 20:10 ok_beemer#2983 quits the race.
- 20:10 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:10 crossproduct: GF HL!!!
- 20:10 ok_beemer: HFHFHFHFHF
- 20:10 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:10 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 21:00 crossproduct#2815 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:49:29!
- 21:00 crossproduct: GG
- 21:00 ok_beemer: GGs
- 21:00 ok_beemer: sub 50 pog
- 21:01 Tilimorf#9649 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:01 Race finished in 0:50:25.8
- 21:01 Tilimorf: bleh.,
- 21:01 ok_beemer: oh man tili :D
- 21:01 ok_beemer: did you do the math on that?
- 21:01 Tilimorf: I was feeling confident. until I realized how much 1/3 of charged wave actually is
- 21:01 Tilimorf: nope
- 21:01 Tilimorf: not until after
- 21:01 ok_beemer: full missiles and supers = 130 charged
- 21:02 ok_beemer: not counting xfactors
- 21:02 Tilimorf: yeah fun ridley practice XD
- 21:02 ok_beemer: i was glued to the screen
- 21:02 ok_beemer: you almost had him 2nd try
- 21:02 crossproduct: yeah, 2 early LN seeds =/
- 21:02 crossproduct: i went in with 25 Supers
- 21:02 ok_beemer: no WS action
- 21:02 Tilimorf: I only had 15 in LN
- 21:02 crossproduct: i think 25/25/xx
- 21:02 Tilimorf: 25 15
- 21:02 crossproduct: so i had to land 2 X-factors to open, then shoot all missiles
- 21:03 crossproduct: ouch... yeah i took a little extra time to get Supers
- 21:03 ok_beemer: bubble mountain
- 21:03 crossproduct: if i think i need Minors for LN, i check Bubble Mountain
- 21:03 crossproduct: mighta been 2 packs in Bubble
- 21:03 ok_beemer: tili i think you were hesitating to check it or not, then went down
- 21:04 Tilimorf: yeah I thought about it and should have
- 21:04 Tilimorf: oh well
- 21:04 crossproduct: what was at waterway?
- 21:04 ok_beemer: you had the lead with that, but ... yeah
- 21:04 crossproduct: apparently i forgot to check it
- 21:04 Tilimorf: I was trying to play risky since I think cross is the better player :P
- 21:04 Tilimorf: E tank waterway
- 21:04 ok_beemer: cross inched out a lead on gameplay
- 21:04 ok_beemer: up to waterway forget
- 21:04 crossproduct: i think the best strat in that case is to try and route differently? but no suits in WS either run
- 21:05 ok_beemer: yeah, a bit of a bummer
- 21:05 ok_beemer: anyway congrats to crossproduct!!!
- 21:05 Race result recorded by ok_beemer#2983