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- 23:21 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 23:28 delcaMX#9747 joins the race.
- 23:28 feasel: hello
- 23:35 ROTFLandmines#6615 joins the race.
- 23:35 feasel: hi guys
- 23:35 ROTFLandmines: alright im all set up and live
- 23:35 feasel: ok commentator is getting a drink
- 23:36 feasel: 'll update you when we're getting ready to go
- 23:36 feasel: thanks for being here so we can do these back to back
- 23:36 delcaMX: ill be live soon, give me a couple minutes
- 23:36 feasel: sure thing no rush
- 23:40 feasel#8374 joins the race.
- 23:41 ROTFLandmines: whos on coms btw?
- 23:41 feasel: tortadiego
- 23:41 ROTFLandmines: oh sick
- 23:44 ROTFLandmines: alright im ready whenever then
- 23:44 feasel: ok i see delca's stream
- 23:44 feasel: let me get commentator ready and then i'll drop out of here
- 23:44 delcaMX: almost ready
- 23:45 feasel: sure thing.
- 23:45 feasel: don't forget timer
- 23:47 feasel: looking good
- 23:47 feasel: stream is ready to go when you are
- 23:47 ROTFLandmines#6615 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:47 delcaMX: check my timer again, i closed the splis
- 23:48 feasel: ok
- 23:48 delcaMX: im going to use that timer, sorry
- 23:48 feasel: i'll recdrop
- 23:48 feasel: no problem at all
- 23:48 feasel: all set
- 23:48 feasel: ready up any time yuorue ready
- 23:49 delcaMX: where is the restream?
- 23:49 feasel: we are rcording this and it willbe played on SG1 later tonight
- 23:49 feasel: we have a live commentator right now, tortadiego
- 23:49 delcaMX: oh ok
- 23:49 delcaMX: ok im ready
- 23:49 delcaMX#9747 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:49 feasel#8374 quits the race.
- 23:49 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:49 feasel: glhf!
- 23:50 delcaMX: gl :D
- 23:50 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:52 ROTFLandmines: gl!
- 00:27 ROTFLandmines#6615 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:36:56!
- 00:27 ROTFLandmines: gg dude!
- 00:28 delcaMX#9747 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:38:04!
- 00:28 Race finished in 0:38:04.5
- 00:28 delcaMX: uffff
- 00:28 delcaMX: nice
- 00:28 delcaMX: gg
- 00:28 ROTFLandmines: GG!
- 00:28 ROTFLandmines: im not going to do coms or anything. my streams all wacky with the audio
- 00:29 delcaMX: yeah no inverview for me now, thanks for the race, i had decent run so im happy
- 00:29 delcaMX: good luck on the rest of the tournament :D
- 00:31 Race result recorded by SahasrahBot#5329