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- 16:29 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact a SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 16:30 fcoughlin#7691 joins the race.
- 16:42 asazas#5264 joins the race.
- 16:42 asazas: o/
- 16:43 Yuveling: Wenas asazas
- 16:43 Yuveling: Hi fred
- 16:43 Herreteman: Hello gamers
- 16:43 asazas: es restream crew coming in
- 16:45 Herreteman: SG1 is supposed to also restream it
- 16:46 Herreteman: But idk how long we have until the match there ends
- 16:47 DarkmoonEX: Hey guys. I'm on the sheet as your race room volunteers, but since this is on restream you may or may not actually need me
- 16:47 DarkmoonEX: I'll stick around for a few though if you have any issues
- 16:47 Herreteman: I'll be on standby for general setup
- 16:48 DarkmoonEX: coolo. GLHF guys and ping me if you run in to issues
- 16:54 Herreteman: I assume we wait on SG1 then?
- 16:56 fcoughlin: Hey sorry, had to do some dad stuff
- 16:56 fcoughlin: Hi asazas!
- 16:56 mindofme#6515 joins the race.
- 16:56 asazas: hello there
- 16:56 mindofme: I'm keeping an eye on SG1
- 16:56 fcoughlin: I'm Fred. Nice to meet you, "keeping an eye on SG1"
- 16:57 Herreteman: Is this the dad stuff you had to do?
- 16:57 asazas: lol
- 16:57 fcoughlin: ... no comment?
- 16:58 mindofme: !roll
- 16:58 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 16:58 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 16:58 SahasrahBot:
- 16:58 SahasrahBot: This is a reminder this race has a 20 minute stream delay in effect. Please ensure your delay is correct. If you need a stream override, please contact a SGL admin for help.
- 16:58 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated and should now be in the race info.
- 16:59 mindofme: ready up. chatting with feasel abot the SG1 situation
- 16:59 mindofme: *feel free to ready up
- 16:59 mindofme: racetime eating my words for me
- 17:00 fcoughlin: no worries; we know you're just trying to control us
- 17:00 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:00 fcoughlin: :)
- 17:00 fcoughlin: Best of luck, asazas! Hope this is another close one :)
- 17:01 fcoughlin: (And I'm happy... I finally got the order of s and z in your name right)
- 17:01 Herreteman: Are you up for a possible translated interview on SGES later Fred?
- 17:02 mindofme: alrighty, I got word from feasel, we're good to go when you two are
- 17:02 fcoughlin: Potentially I might be able to. Depends on timing
- 17:02 asazas: it's an awkward nickname for English speakers, I know :P
- 17:02 fcoughlin: (I wish I remembered more of my high school Spanish!)
- 17:02 asazas: glgl, this will be interesting for sure
- 17:02 asazas#5264 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:02 Herreteman: We'll have to split said interviews possibly idk
- 17:02 mindofme: glhf!
- 17:02 Herreteman: gl hf gamers
- 17:02 mindofme#6515 quits the race.
- 17:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:02 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 18:23 asazas#5264 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:20:34!
- 18:25 fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:22:35!
- 18:25 Race finished in 1:22:35.5
- 18:25 asazas: gg
- 18:25 fcoughlin: gg
- 18:25 asazas: nice race
- 18:25 fcoughlin: Ganon fall cost me
- 18:25 asazas: ow
- 18:26 asazas: happens to everyone at some point
- 18:26 fcoughlin: Got hit as I was trying to torch glitch with no lamp
- 18:26 asazas: where did I find the lamp
- 18:26 fcoughlin: Not sure if I would've beaten you, but would've been much closer
- 18:26 asazas: I didn't do that many dark rooms
- 18:26 fcoughlin: lol somewhere I didn't go ;)
- 18:26 asazas: hs cave I think
- 18:26 fcoughlin: ah yea I got mirror late
- 18:26 fcoughlin: so I never touched hs
- 18:26 Herreteman: gg
- 18:27 asazas: fire rod was what slowed me down
- 18:27 fcoughlin: I got that, then left the mountain immediately
- 18:27 fcoughlin: if only I'd done spiral before leaving... ;)
- 18:27 asazas: it must have been like head to head up gt then
- 18:27 fcoughlin: I'm thinking so, based on the times. That's awesome
- 18:28 fcoughlin: I wanted to give a close race. Glad we did :)
- 18:28 Herreteman: I can spoil the VOD if you want
- 18:28 asazas: I'm watching :P
- 18:28 Herreteman: There have been some wild swings, but it's super tight here at the end
- 18:29 fcoughlin: Yea it's going to be tight, then the moment of doom
- 18:29 fcoughlin: :)
- 18:36 adirondackrick: For when the time comes, for the interviews.
- 18:38 Herreteman: Do you want to split runners between restreams or should we just do both runners at the time and then switch?
- 18:38 Herreteman: at the same time*
- 18:39 Herreteman: Either way, here's the SGES invite
- 18:43 fcoughlin: You had me either way, but very gg
- 18:44 asazas: insane race end
- 18:46 Herreteman: We'll buy some time with ads, join us in SGES whenever you're done on SG1
- 18:47 Herreteman: (and please don't end episode early)
- 18:48 Herreteman: Valid invite:
- 10:02 Race result recorded by Synack#9689