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- 18:26 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact an SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 18:27 hatch78#7008 joins the race.
- 18:28 Thorus: !join
- 18:28 hatch78: you can click the join button or type periodjoin...not exclamation point
- 18:29 Thorus#6940 joins the race.
- 18:29 Thorus: Aww I cant join through LiveSplits
- 18:30 SasProgGuy: Good afternoon! Yep, sorry, it seems these rooms are modified for SGL to help automation and trying to link up LiveSplits causes issues.
- 18:31 Thorus: Just means I'll likely forget my timer either starting or ending it lol
- 18:32 hatch78: haha, i forgot to stop my timer during a race last night....not really a big deal though
- 18:32 SasProgGuy: Since this race is not going to be restreamed you are welcome to get started as soon as you're both live after the delay.
- 18:32 hatch78: ok
- 18:38 hatch78: emote only but mic can be on since we aren't restreamed?
- 18:38 Thorus: I bileve thats the plan
- 18:39 Thorus: believe*
- 18:39 SasProgGuy: Yep, having mic on is ok
- 18:40 hatch78: i just want to be able to watch it back and yell at myself for my thought process, haha
- 18:40 SasProgGuy: ;-)
- 18:41 Thorus: I always like how I suggest doing something, then talk myself out of it and it turns out to be important
- 18:41 hatch78: did that in last night's race and it cost me 30 minutes
- 18:46 SasProgGuy: !roll
- 18:46 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 18:46 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 18:46 SahasrahBot:
- 18:46 SahasrahBot: This is a reminder this race has a 10 minute stream delay in effect. Please ensure your delay is correct. If you need a stream override, please contact an SGL admin for help.
- 18:46 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated and should now be in the race info.
- 18:50 SasProgGuy: Have you both agreeded to the FPA? If so, is using race chat ok to notify your opponent of issues or would you like a discord voice channel?
- 18:50 hatch78: I haven't, but using race chat is fine with me.
- 18:51 Thorus: I didn't either
- 18:51 hatch78: I assume if one of us loses power or something catastrophic like an IRL emergency we can re-race?
- 18:52 TotesOlive: I am not sure on the catastophic failure thing I can ask, I signed up to proctor you guys though.
- 18:53 SasProgGuy: Yep. Though if it's something that can be fixed in a few minutes, your opponent can just pause and stop playing until the issue is fixed
- 18:53 hatch78: oh, yeah....that's fine
- 18:53 hatch78: i would venture to say that we are both fairly reasonable people, haha
- 18:53 SasProgGuy: Ok, you have the seed and are both live, so feel free to ready up and start whenever you're ready.
- 18:53 Thorus: If something technical happens.. its my pc blowing up
- 18:53 hatch78: haha
- 18:53 TotesOlive: I'll have race chat open the whole time so if it is an FPA thing I can verify it for you
- 18:53 hatch78: i'm ready whenever you are Thorus
- 18:54 Thorus#6940 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:54 hatch78#7008 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:54 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:54 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:54 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 22:23 hatch78#7008 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:29:13!
- 22:24 Thorus#6940 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:24 Race finished in 3:29:53.3
- 22:24 hatch78: gg man....holy crap
- 22:24 TotesOlive: That was a rediculously trolly seed the only way it could have been worse is if Ice rod had been in Ice palace.
- 22:24 TotesOlive: good race
- 22:24 Thorus: gg
- 22:24 hatch78: that seed was a dumpster fire
- 22:24 hatch78: yeah, i talked about going to ice palace a lot
- 22:25 TotesOlive: What was funny was both of you were like "Why does this always happen to me" as one point
- 22:25 hatch78: how close were you Thorus?
- 22:25 Thorus: Just entered TR after doing Mother brain
- 22:25 TotesOlive: He was beating Motherbrain when you entered GT so not far behind
- 22:25 Thorus: died 3 times to stand up glitch
- 22:26 hatch78: gotcha.....i took a death in LN....did TR twice...did maridia twice
- 22:26 hatch78: oh man....i don't even try that
- 22:26 hatch78: left TT after the 1st 4 chests early.....mistake
- 22:26 TotesOlive: It was a really mean seed...pearl in norfair with progression locked behind Green was just nuts
- 22:27 hatch78: yeah....and i ignored purple chest for a while too.....totally forgot i could do WS after getting gravity....soooo many dumb things
- 22:27 TotesOlive: with all the Ice palace talk I thought you were going to last location flooded speedway for the flippers Hatch
- 22:28 hatch78: well, flips couldn't be in IP so i only had a few spots left
- 22:28 hatch78: shak/plasma....the last item in SW....and maybe 1 other spot
- 22:28 TotesOlive: Yea, the cave 45 ice rod was about the nicest thing this seed offered.
- 22:28 hatch78: i assumed i was losing by 20 minutes
- 22:29 TotesOlive: both of you did at one point or another, but it was pretty neck and neck until the very end
- 22:29 hatch78: Thorus, did you dip pod and eastern before getting bow?
- 22:29 Thorus: dipped Ep not poD
- 22:30 hatch78: you could have done all of maridia early....i didn't have speed or ice so i did the front and then came back and finished it after getting ice
- 22:30 hatch78: did any crystal dungeons have any progression at all?
- 22:31 hatch78: if they did, i can't remember
- 22:31 Thorus: I dont thin they did
- 22:31 TotesOlive: The biggest time difference was that you did Ridley when you hit Norfair and Thorus did norfair but didn;t have as many E tanks so he double dipped for Ridley
- 22:31 TotesOlive: only progression in a crystal I remember was cane in Hera
- 22:31 hatch78: red cane was in the front of TT
- 22:33 hatch78: we have to let all the credits play through on the stream correct?.....but i can leave racetime?
- 22:33 TotesOlive: Yes I believe so it recorded your time
- 22:34 TotesOlive: I'm watching through credits and then I'm gone also
- 22:34 hatch78: ok cool.....thanks!.....i need food!
- 22:34 TotesOlive: no problem, good race, sorry the seed was troll, glad I didn;t roll it
- 21:09 Race result recorded by mindofme#6515