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- 02:48 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact an SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 03:11 OshinoShinobuu#6563 joins the race.
- 03:13 Warning: this race will be automatically cancelled in 5 minutes unless at least two entrants join.
- 03:13 Synack#9689 joins the race.
- 03:14 ARealCutie: how do you enter
- 03:14 ARealCutie#2399 joins the race.
- 03:14 Synack: there ya go
- 03:14 ARealCutie: the button wasn't there at first what to heck
- 03:15 Synack#9689 quits the race.
- 03:15 Synack: it should let you ready up once a stream is live
- 03:15 Synack: mention me here if you need an override
- 03:18 ARealCutie: okay cool
- 03:18 ARealCutie: I'm just gonna scarf a snack down real quick literally just got home from work
- 03:18 ARealCutie: will be ready by 10:30
- 03:19 OshinoShinobuu: thats fine! I need to ready up my cart save file anyway :)
- 03:28 ARealCutie#2399 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:29 OshinoShinobuu#6563 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 03:29 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:29 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:29 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 03:57 OshinoShinobuu: dead ><
- 03:57 OshinoShinobuu: grats cutie. :)
- 03:58 OshinoShinobuu#6563 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:09 ARealCutie: :(
- 04:09 ARealCutie: I almost died to MB2 lol
- 04:12 ARealCutie#2399 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:43:34!
- 04:12 Race finished in 0:43:34.5
- 04:13 OshinoShinobuu: GG cutie
- 04:13 ARealCutie: god PKRD with the extra tank is slow lol
- 04:14 ARealCutie: didn't help I went to do the dboost
- 04:14 ARealCutie: to collect kraid drops
- 04:14 ARealCutie: which put me into health bomb bc I wasn't paying attention
- 04:14 ARealCutie: so I left kraid at 0/2
- 04:14 ARealCutie: rip
- 04:15 ARealCutie: oh I got screwed by phantoon and almost died 3 times in the span of like 5 seconds in that fight too
- 04:15 ARealCutie: monkaS
- 04:16 ARealCutie#2399 added a comment: "Clearly the palindrome final time was intentional"
- 04:19 OshinoShinobuu: I got a 2 round phantoon but went into botwoon with 57 hp
- 04:19 OshinoShinobuu: and I took a hit and went healthh bomb so I was cautious and didnt remember to farm missiles after
- 04:20 OshinoShinobuu: so I went into draygon with 6 missiles lol
- 04:20 OshinoShinobuu: turrets didnt help and I died to draygon
- 04:21 OshinoShinobuu: anyway. GG Cutie and GL in your next race :)
- 04:48 ARealCutie: do I have to do anything
- 04:48 ARealCutie: or can I Just leave
- 22:43 Race result recorded by mindofme#6515