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- 01:57 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 01:57 SahasrahBot: Welcome. Use !tournamentrace (without any arguments) to roll your seed! You do NOT need to wait for your setup helper to do this or start your race, they will appear later to setup the stream.
- 01:58 xRussianbishop#2266 joins the race.
- 02:16 Bogie#4670 joins the race.
- 02:16 Bogie: \o
- 02:17 xRussianbishop: Yo
- 02:17 xRussianbishop: hows it going
- 02:17 Bogie: good - you?
- 02:17 Bogie: just getting set up here
- 02:17 xRussianbishop: I am set at the moment going live in 30
- 02:18 Bogie: ok - i have mine going already
- 02:18 Bogie: i forget if we roll our own or if the bot does it at 10 min before
- 02:18 xRussianbishop: i dont remember my self
- 02:22 xRussianbishop: I guess we roll it
- 02:23 xRussianbishop: says so in blue up top
- 02:24 Bogie: ok
- 02:24 Bogie: i can do it if you like
- 02:25 xRussianbishop: sure ive rolled nothing but killers l8ly
- 02:25 Bogie: !flags PAwB3o93ZSDkcZquT6IUPq7fnLbfF6q
- 02:25 Bogie: oops
- 02:25 Bogie: !tournamentrace
- 02:25 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 02:25 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 02:25 SahasrahBot: Seed: 945832184733 - Flags: PAwB3o93ZSDkcZquT6IUPq7fnLbfF6q
- 02:25 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated! GLHF
- 02:26 Bogie: banana akey bow shield ?
- 02:27 xRussianbishop: 10 four
- 02:29 xRussianbishop: is out start at 1030 or 1045
- 02:30 Bogie: we start at 10:30 or whenever we are ready
- 02:30 Bogie: we have the delay
- 02:31 xRussianbishop: awe
- 02:31 Bogie: just need 1 min and I'm ready
- 02:31 xRussianbishop#2266 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:31 Bogie: alright - glhf!
- 02:31 Bogie: see you on the other side
- 02:31 xRussianbishop: u2
- 02:31 Bogie#4670 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:32 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:00 Bogie#4670 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:28:03!
- 04:01 xRussianbishop#2266 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:01 Race finished in 1:29:02.7
- 04:01 Bogie: gg
- 04:01 xRussianbishop: GG
- 04:01 Bogie: how'd it go?
- 04:01 xRussianbishop: i still have 784 left
- 04:01 Bogie: gotcha - yeah, I full cleared 7 and 8
- 04:01 Bogie: and 4
- 04:01 Bogie: ha
- 04:02 xRussianbishop: so I had a bit
- 04:02 xRussianbishop: where were the bow and silvers at
- 04:02 Bogie: bow was deep in 8, silvers even deeper in 9
- 04:02 Bogie: i took all 14 stairs in 9 to find the silvers
- 04:03 xRussianbishop: you must have beasted the over world
- 04:03 Bogie: I only had the 2 ladder checks left before I found L9
- 04:04 xRussianbishop: I keep getting dead ended till i found the anykey
- 04:04 xRussianbishop: then i started clearing
- 04:04 Bogie: yeah, keys were an issue early
- 04:04 Bogie: ladder in 5 was required for tri in 7 and likely L9 (didn't pay attention)
- 04:04 Bogie: I didn't get ladder in 5 until late
- 04:04 xRussianbishop: I skiped 5 item so i was doomed
- 04:05 Bogie: yeah, the tri was easy, but then ladder kept popping its head in L7 and L8
- 04:05 Bogie: you could do L8 and get items without ladder, but it prob would've been 20x easier w/ a ladder
- 04:05 xRussianbishop: I ended up with magic sword
- 04:06 Bogie: i never was able to route it in
- 04:06 Bogie: had 12 hearts though
- 04:06 Bogie: 100%'ed it
- 04:06 xRussianbishop: I stumble on to it
- 04:06 xRussianbishop: almost got white before wood
- 04:07 Bogie: nice
- 04:07 Bogie: i didn't find white until late too -- would've been nice to have earlier
- 04:07 xRussianbishop: well good game
- 04:07 xRussianbishop: i am heading to bed
- 04:08 xRussianbishop: GG
- 04:11 Bogie: gg
- 04:11 Bogie: same here
- 04:16 Race result recorded by SahasrahBot#5329