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- 14:44 jaysee87: not the internet!
- 14:44 Synack: 503 though could be coming from a load balancer
- 14:44 fcoughlin: Makes sense. Evil discord is evil, let's just go there.
- 14:45 Yagamoth: I'm just glad I managed to fix my capture card in the meantime, that was spooky for a moment
- 14:45 jaysee87: synack, want to test vc really fast?
- 14:45 fcoughlin: What happened to the capture card?
- 14:45 Synack: I've gotta get to work
- 14:45 Yagamoth: Well, it didn't capture anymore. Fix was easy, just unplug and replug - but kind of spooky
- 14:46 fcoughlin: Which one? GV-USB2?
- 14:46 jaysee87: kk
- 14:46 Yagamoth: It's a startech HDMI capture
- 14:46 Yagamoth: I'm using an OSSC
- 14:46 fcoughlin: Ah ok.
- 14:46 fcoughlin: I haven't gotten that fancy yet
- 14:46 fcoughlin: I'm still on el basico
- 14:47 jaysee87: Is that the card that requires you convert hdmi to dvi to capture?
- 14:47 Yagamoth: I invested into it, because my CRT broke, so I needed something with reasonably low latency
- 14:47 Yagamoth: I'm using the audio via the capture to hear the game ^^
- 14:47 Yagamoth: It does have a DVI capture adapter, but HDMI just works
- 14:47 fcoughlin: Ah yes, I can see that then. Yea it's tough with no audio
- 14:47 Yagamoth: Also, I'm in the Bowser2 room for the FPA thingy
- 14:48 jaysee87: okay. sounds like a different startech than I have
- 14:48 fcoughlin: If the audio breaks, let me know. I'm glad to turn my TV volume to 0
- 14:48 Yagamoth: Nah, It'll be fine
- 14:48 Yagamoth: To be fair, I have to do weird shenenegans in order to get audio to work
- 14:49 Synack: can we roll it a bit early?
- 14:49 Synack: need to start driving to work and I want to make sure that works
- 14:49 jaysee87: I can roll
- 14:50 fcoughlin: Roll as early as you want.
- 14:50 Synack: !roll
- 14:50 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 14:50 Yagamoth: I'd need an override, but I can roll, I started it so it would go online at like :58
- 14:50 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 14:50 SahasrahBot:
- 14:50 SahasrahBot: This is a reminder this race has a 20 minute stream delay in effect. Please ensure your delay is correct. If you need a stream override, please contact an SGL admin for help.
- 14:50 Synack: okay good
- 14:50 Yagamoth: Ah. That kind of roll
- 14:50 Synack: glhf, time to do the thing I actually get paid to do
- 14:52 Yagamoth: Good luck
- 14:57 Yagamoth: Hammer, Bottle, another bottle, Mushroom, Bombos
- 15:00 Yagamoth: I'd be ready oô/
- 15:00 fcoughlin: Best of luck Yaga!
- 15:00 Yagamoth: good luck & have fun
- 15:00 fcoughlin: Confirmed code
- 15:00 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 15:00 Yagamoth#6428 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 15:01 Yagamoth: timer not ticking? I hope that's normal
- 15:01 Yagamoth: for reference, my webcam will come up later
- 15:01 fcoughlin: I think they set the races up so that we can ready but it holds the room
- 15:01 Yagamoth: Sounds good to me
- 15:01 jaysee87: oh right. I need to do the start. ready?
- 15:01 Yagamoth: I just haven't seen taht until now ^^
- 15:01 Yagamoth: ready ^^
- 15:02 fcoughlin: New feature apparently
- 15:02 fcoughlin: ready here
- 15:02 jaysee87: very new :)
- 15:02 jaysee87: glhf!
- 15:02 jaysee87#4729 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 15:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 15:02 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 16:18 Yagamoth#6428 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:15:28!
- 16:39 fcoughlin: gg
- 16:39 fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:36:35!
- 16:39 Race finished in 1:36:35.4
- 16:39 Yagamoth: gg oô/
- 16:39 fcoughlin: All the wrong turns
- 16:39 Yagamoth: I can imagine
- 16:39 fcoughlin: I give you credit. You nailed that seed
- 16:39 Yagamoth: I feel like I got quite lucky with the sword, and everything was just "efficient" from there
- 16:39 fcoughlin: Early POD?
- 16:39 fcoughlin: Or was there another I missed?
- 16:39 Yagamoth: PoD
- 16:40 fcoughlin: Figured. Yea I chose swamp over that
- 16:40 fcoughlin: When I saw it there, figured you'd have me crushed
- 16:40 Yagamoth: It wasn't as early as possible, since I wanted to at least find lamp or fire rod, which I did in SW. So I went east from there and then fluted to PoD + Eastern, mainly because eastern was the other 5+6
- 16:40 fcoughlin: Then prayed hookshot was... not where it was
- 16:40 fcoughlin: Ah yes, smart call
- 16:40 Yagamoth: You'd have a solid chance if it was in TR
- 16:40 fcoughlin: I did hera/eastern early, then went thieves and around the circle
- 16:41 fcoughlin: Swordless Blind is fun
- 16:41 Yagamoth: Ah yeah..
- 16:41 Yagamoth: I was also hopinh for a sword before TT ^^;
- 16:42 fcoughlin: Smart choice on your part
- 16:42 fcoughlin: Very well played though. Knew you were tough, and it would require a ton of luck
- 16:42 fcoughlin: (tough being an understatement to your skill at everything)
- 16:43 Yagamoth: I was a bit spooked of you ,because you are quite solid ^^;
- 16:44 fcoughlin: I appreciate the compliment. I'm inconsistent.
- 16:44 fcoughlin: When I find the items, I can fly. But then I do this ;)
- 16:44 Yagamoth: Yeah, no sword for this long is rough °-°;
- 16:47 fcoughlin: I don't mind that part. But when you had it 20 minutes before me... ;)
- 16:48 fcoughlin: But great match, best of luck in the rest of the rounds!
- 16:50 Yagamoth: gg \o/
- 16:50 Yagamoth: Best of luck to you as well
- 02:25 Race result recorded by Synack#9689