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- 04:11 Definitely Lunix#5621 joins the race.
- 04:11 Lunix: im gonna go for water
- 04:11 NobodyNada#4830 joins the race.
- 04:12 BastionBlue#3436 joins the race.
- 04:14 Lunix:
- 04:14 ScottySpeedruns#7820 joins the race.
- 04:16 EXAKTScience#7150 joins the race.
- 04:17 EXAKTScience: i'd like to get started soonish if ppl are cool w that
- 04:17 EXAKTScience: i gotta go to bed at a reasonable time
- 04:18 NobodyNada#4830 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 04:18 NobodyNada#4830 is not ready. (5 remaining)
- 04:18 scotty: do i gotta stream T_T
- 04:18 EXAKTScience: no
- 04:18 EXAKTScience#7150 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 04:18 Streaming is now NOT required for this race.
- 04:18 scotty: ty ^_^
- 04:18 NobodyNada#4830 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 04:18 Lunix: remember that now you are not allowed to win
- 04:19 Definitely Lunix#5621 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 04:20 BastionBlue#3436 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:20 BastionBlue: GL everyone <3
- 04:20 EXAKTScience: glhf gamers :)
- 04:20 BastionBlue: thank you for race <3
- 04:21 Lunix: GL Have fast
- 04:21 scotty: gl hf!
- 04:21 ScottySpeedruns#7820 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 04:21 EXAKTScience: good glhf
- 04:21 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:21 NobodyNada: glhf
- 04:21 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:23 scotty: 4511
- 04:23 EXAKTScience: 4507
- 04:23 NobodyNada: 4270
- 04:23 Scet: <3 my bad guys GL <3
- 04:23 Scet: i was practicing lolol
- 04:23 Lunix: fourty six thirty nine
- 04:23 EXAKTScience: screwed by steam in tile room
- 04:23 NobodyNada: sorry scettles, next time!
- 04:23 EXAKTScience: 5239 magnet stairs exit
- 04:23 Scet: <32
- 04:23 BastionBlue: i got screwed by steam too
- 04:23 BastionBlue: GL all
- 04:23 Lunix: why tanne didnt tell here
- 04:24 scotty: ya
- 04:24 NobodyNada: yellow
- 04:25 EXAKTScience: i forgor
- 04:26 Lunix: four foury five
- 04:26 NobodyNada: 5:06 :/
- 04:32 NobodyNada: 1028v
- 04:36 Lunix: wtf drops?
- 04:37 NobodyNada: yes
- 04:38 Tinnie: yall didnt invite me smh
- 04:38 Tinnie: s
- 04:38 Tinnie: m
- 04:38 Tinnie: h
- 04:38 Tinnie: smh my head yall
- 04:40 Lunix: mid mid
- 04:41 Tinnie: nothin NOTHIN d00d cuz im not playing get it
- 04:41 EXAKTScience: mid slow
- 04:42 NobodyNada: slow mid slow
- 04:42 Lunix: but i fall on moat LUL
- 04:44 NobodyNada: me too lunux
- 04:44 NobodyNada: lunix
- 04:45 NobodyNada: 2324
- 05:01 Lunix: thirty nine thirty five gfour
- 05:01 Lunix: that was an horrible gfour
- 05:04 NobodyNada: 4307 g4
- 05:06 Lunix: idk i cant get babyskip anymoe
- 05:06 ScottySpeedruns#7820 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:44:35!
- 05:07 BastionBlue#3436 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:07 scotty: ggs
- 05:07 scotty: oh no :(
- 05:09 Definitely Lunix#5621 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:47:50!
- 05:09 Lunix: gg
- 05:10 EXAKTScience#7150 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:48:53!
- 05:11 BastionBlue: damn
- 05:11 BastionBlue: back to back dnfs
- 05:11 BastionBlue: this time it was mb2
- 05:12 EXAKTScience: gg
- 05:12 BastionBlue: GGs all. thanks for the invite
- 05:12 EXAKTScience: FREE ANIV KEKW
- 05:12 NobodyNada#4830 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:51:12!
- 05:12 Race finished in 0:51:12.4
- 05:12 scotty: ggs everyone!
- 05:12 EXAKTScience: gg
- 05:13 NobodyNada: gg
- 05:14 EXAKTScience#7150 added a comment.
- 14:51 Race result recorded by mm2nescartridge