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- 02:39 Race opened automatically by SahasrahBot
- 02:39 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 02:39 SahasrahBot invites apathyduck#3636 to join the race.
- 02:39 SahasrahBot invites just_defend#0362 to join the race.
- 02:39 SahasrahBot: Welcome! You may start your race when ready. A link to the bingo card will be posted in chat once the race starts.
- 02:39 SahasrahBot: Setting up bingo cards, please wait...
- 02:39 SahasrahBot: BingoSync room has been created and sent to SpeedGaming for setup!
- 02:41 apathyduck#3636 accepts an invitation to join.
- 02:41 apathyduck: sup
- 02:42 TracieM#6711 joins the race.
- 02:45 just_defend: yo
- 02:47 apathyduck: i ran both of qtys seeds earlier and i didnt finish either one
- 02:47 apathyduck: seems about on par for me
- 02:54 apathyduck: couldnt figure out why i wasnt live
- 02:54 apathyduck: forgot to turn off delay
- 02:54 TracieM: oh, that would be a problem
- 02:54 just_defend: do you put delay on for smz3?
- 02:54 TracieM: do we have an SG person here?
- 02:55 apathyduck: yea 10 mins for rando
- 02:55 apathyduck: its off now i restarted
- 02:55 apathyduck: good thing i noticed that
- 02:55 TracieM: very good thing
- 02:55 TracieM: I did a ladder race with 10 minutes delay after one of the quals
- 02:55 apathyduck: ive been just sitting on the intro screen so no one would have noticed
- 02:56 apathyduck: audio is fine too
- 02:56 just_defend#0362 accepts an invitation to join.
- 02:56 just_defend: whoops, i didn't realize i had to 'accept' the invite button on this page
- 02:57 TracieM: racetime is still new for SM
- 02:57 TracieM: I hate that I can't see who else is here
- 02:58 serberoth: HYPE!!!
- 02:58 serberoth: I pinged someone for the setup!
- 02:58 apathyduck: i like being able to lurk honestly
- 02:58 apathyduck: but yea admins should prob be able to see
- 02:58 apathyduck: could be exploited
- 02:58 ptoil: im here :)
- 02:58 TracieM: I like lurking too, do that in alttpr, lol
- 02:59 apathyduck#3636 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:59 just_defend#0362 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:59 TracieM: ptoil and serb, someone will need to tell me when to let them go
- 02:59 apathyduck: channels not even live yet lol
- 02:59 serberoth: Yeah, I am working with kirito now to get everything setup!
- 03:00 TracieM: cool
- 03:00 apathyduck#3636 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 03:00 apathyduck: brgb
- 03:01 apathyduck#3636 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:02 apathyduck: i see your practicing your save station bomb jumps
- 03:02 apathyduck: very esoteric tech
- 03:03 just_defend: indeed
- 03:03 serberoth: you both good on audio?
- 03:03 apathyduck: yes
- 03:03 just_defend: i believe so
- 03:04 serberoth: Just a moment more folks!! Thanks for the patience!!!
- 03:04 serberoth: Good to go Teacie!
- 03:04 serberoth: *Tracie!
- 03:04 TracieM: ok then
- 03:04 TracieM: glhf!
- 03:04 TracieM#6711 quits the race.
- 03:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:04 just_defend: glhf
- 03:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:05 SahasrahBot: -----------------------
- 03:05 SahasrahBot:
- 03:05 SahasrahBot: -----------------------
- 03:47 just_defend#0362 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:42:28!
- 03:47 apathyduck: gg
- 03:47 apathyduck: just need plasma
- 03:47 just_defend: gg!
- 03:49 apathyduck#3636 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:44:31!
- 03:49 Race finished in 0:44:31.1
- 03:49 apathyduck: i think 125 missles killed me
- 03:49 apathyduck: all those fanfares lol
- 03:50 just_defend: dang
- 03:50 apathyduck#3636 added a comment.
- 03:50 apathyduck: finsihed by about 25 fanfares behind
- 03:50 apathyduck: also no high jump is awful
- 03:50 just_defend#0362 added a comment.
- 03:50 TracieM:
- 03:50 apathyduck: yea 25 fanfares is just about 2 mins lol
- 03:50 just_defend: yeah, that one was rough
- 03:51 apathyduck: you did k first?
- 03:51 just_defend: yeah
- 03:51 apathyduck: i assume with both brinns
- 03:51 apathyduck: yea
- 03:51 apathyduck: alright tty in the next room lol
- 03:52 Race result recorded by TracieM#6711