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- 04:34 Tilimorf: I have a feeling this race isn't going to be as close >.>
- 04:34 BandsWithLegends: I guess we have to wait for comms again?
- 04:35 BandsWithLegends: you never know O_O 30s is not a lot of time in a 90m run
- 04:35 Tilimorf: true
- 04:35 apathyduck: we still need the SG invite since its "scheduled" at 1 am
- 04:35 Tilimorf: I think I'll need another PB though XD
- 04:35 BandsWithLegends: I believe in you πͺπͺπͺ
- 04:36 Tilimorf: force a Nin Pow finally?! that would be cool :P
- 04:36 apathyduck#3636 joins the race.
- 04:36 BandsWithLegends: you never know O_O
- 04:36 apathyduck: ill gk since no one else is here
- 04:38 Tilimorf: I have time to wait if needed
- 04:38 BandsWithLegends: I guess we're just hanging around until 1am?
- 04:38 Tilimorf: but am also ready now too. IDK how the SG invites work
- 04:38 BandsWithLegends: 20ish minutes
- 04:38 BandsWithLegends: the stream is down it look slike
- 04:38 apathyduck: yea none of the admins are around sooo
- 04:39 Tilimorf: had a note that it could start right after the other rrace. Shrug
- 04:39 Tilimorf: well I'mma make some coffee brb
- 04:39 BandsWithLegends: kk
- 04:40 Ralen Tankir: SG broadcasts operate mostly automatic, so it will go back online at :50
- 04:41 Ralen Tankir: it COULD be started earlier manually though
- 04:41 apathyduck: isnt there a way to bump it up?
- 04:42 Tilimorf: dang. well good to knmow for the futuure
- 04:42 Ralen Tankir: also, if you have access to the schedlue as tournament admin you can asjust starting times
- 04:42 apathyduck: all the tourney admins are mia right now is the problem
- 04:42 apathyduck: since its late
- 04:42 Tilimorf: dang. night shift always gets the shaft LOL
- 04:43 MrGuyAverage: hi sorry im late
- 04:43 MrGuyAverage: but it looks like u guys are good
- 04:43 Tilimorf: hi
- 04:43 MrGuyAverage: 69% correct?
- 04:43 Tilimorf: I believe waiting on restream
- 04:43 Tilimorf: yeah
- 04:43 apathyduck: well were trying to move it up so we dont have to sit here for 20 mins
- 04:43 MrGuyAverage: yeah nothing we can do about that :/
- 04:43 apathyduck: Ralen Tankir
: also, if you have access to the schedlue as tournament admin you can asjust starting times
- 04:45 apathyduck: \o/
- 04:45 apathyduck: whose audio was unusable?
- 04:45 apathyduck: bands>?
- 04:45 MrGuyAverage: duck you are gatekeeping?
- 04:46 BandsWithLegends: tilimorf said his audio was better for the last race
- 04:46 BandsWithLegends: I prefer to have mic on
- 04:46 apathyduck: yea unless you wanan take over
- 04:46 MrGuyAverage: nah comms gatekeeping is better, thanks :)
- 04:46 apathyduck: np
- 04:46 Tilimorf#9649 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 04:47 apathyduck: no we just gotta get someone to crop this
- 04:47 apathyduck: now*
- 04:48 BandsWithLegends: β
- 04:48 apathyduck: well with any luck well just start on time at this point
- 04:48 Tilimorf: :D
- 04:48 BandsWithLegends: it do be like that sometimes
- 04:49 Tilimorf: I've got more coffee now so I'm all good
- 04:49 MrGuyAverage: what was the first match category btw?
- 04:49 apathyduck: GT max
- 04:49 Tilimorf: GTM
- 04:49 BandsWithLegends: oh no, the coffee advantage
- 04:49 MrGuyAverage: cool
- 04:49 Ralen Tankir: f it, i'll do it
- 04:49 BandsWithLegends: and then β now
- 04:49 Ralen Tankir: i should be asleep but whatever
- 04:49 BandsWithLegends: ty ralen ^_^
- 04:49 Tilimorf: Thanks!
- 04:50 Tilimorf: sorry about the trouble.
- 04:50 Tilimorf: was weird scheduling the second match since I couldn't be 100% sure what cat we were racing
- 04:50 Tilimorf: even though I was pretty sure :P
- 04:50 Tilimorf: but if you hadn't banned NK I would have chose it :D
- 04:51 Ralen Tankir: category is 69%?
- 04:51 Tilimorf: yup
- 04:51 MrGuyAverage: Ralen Tankir one of the comms doesnt have their DM yet
- 04:52 MrGuyAverage: not sure what is going on there since i approved them
- 04:52 Tilimorf: I think the problem was it was scheduled for 1AM
- 04:52 Tilimorf: and we were ready at 12:30
- 04:52 Tilimorf: so the autmates system wasn't ready :P
- 04:52 BandsWithLegends#6265 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:52 MrGuyAverage: oh does the automation system not send them out until 5 before or smth
- 04:52 Tilimorf: 10 is what we were told
- 04:53 MrGuyAverage: should be out now then
- 04:53 Tilimorf: ya
- 04:53 Tilimorf: shrug*
- 04:53 BandsWithLegends: π€π€ Β―\_(γ)_/Β―
- 04:56 apathyduck#3636 quits the race.
- 04:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:56 apathyduck: gl guys
- 04:56 Tilimorf: gl hf
- 04:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:57 apathyduck: gl guys sorry was dealing with 10 things at once
- 05:59 BandsWithLegends#6265 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:02:58!
- 06:00 Tilimorf#9649 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:04:29!
- 06:00 Race finished in 1:04:29.2
- 06:01 Tilimorf: Gg!
- 06:01 Tilimorf: PB by 3:21 and again not good enough. Bands is the legend! :D
- 06:12 Race result recorded by MrGuyAverage#2300