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- 00:47 Ben#2995 joins the race.
- 00:47 Dayphid#9841 joins the race.
- 00:51 RoyLT#8782 joins the race.
- 00:53 RoyLT: ok im here
- 00:53 Ben: Hey hey hey
- 00:53 Dayphid: yo yo
- 00:54 Ben: We're basically just waiting on the headsup from speedgaming. Once we're good we introduce, and just start within like 3-5 mins of that
- 00:54 Ben: Though I think we can start on the hour. I don't think SG3 has anything on right now
- 00:54 Ben: It's speedgaming3 btw
- 00:54 RoyLT: i see they went live
- 00:55 Dayphid: sorry i missed the practice races so im new to racetime. when should we ready up?
- 00:55 RoyLT: i guess on the hour is good
- 00:55 Dayphid: sounds good
- 00:56 RoyLT: but yeah you just press the buttons theres no chat commands
- 00:56 RoyLT: and there is a 15 seconds count down built in
- 00:57 Dayphid: awesome. sounds like i can do this. i can press buttons
- 00:59 RoyLT: my stuff isnt cropped
- 00:59 RoyLT: timer isnt cropped
- 00:59 roopert83: looks like they're working on it
- 01:00 RoyLT: cool
- 01:02 roopert83: Ben, did you get your commentary links?
- 01:03 mindofme: restream ready
- 01:03 roopert83: Thanks!
- 01:04 Dayphid: ready to push buttons over here too!
- 01:04 RoyLT#8782 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:04 Dayphid#9841 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:05 roopert83: Ben should drop off when they're ready to start. It's a 15 second coutdown timer so make sure you pay attention to it.
- 01:05 RoyLT: got it
- 01:05 Ben: Aye aye
- 01:05 Ben: ETA 1 minute
- 01:06 Ben: Will it auto start when I drop yeah?
- 01:07 roopert83: It should
- 01:07 Ben: Alright let's do it
- 01:07 Ben: gl both!
- 01:07 Ben#2995 quits the race.
- 01:07 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:07 roopert83: GLHF
- 01:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:45 RoyLT#8782 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:37:04!
- 01:45 RoyLT: gg
- 01:45 Dayphid: should i forgiet?
- 01:45 roopert83: no
- 01:46 Dayphid: word
- 01:46 Dayphid: those first games were rough
- 01:48 Dayphid: nooooooooo
- 01:49 Dayphid#9841 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:41:34!
- 01:49 Race finished in 0:41:34.7
- 01:49 Ben: Massive congrats, let's get ya in for interviews if you like
- 01:49 Ben: We can get you links for the livestream
- 01:50 Dayphid: is it on discord?
- 01:50 Ben: Aye aye
- 01:50 RoyLT: yeah man
- 01:51 Dayphid: i don't have headphones handy actually.. ill have to graciously decline this time
- 01:51 Dayphid: ill come more prepared next time!
- 01:51 Dayphid: GGs Roy
- 01:51 roopert83: GG
- 01:51 Dayphid: thanks for the comentary guys. ill be excited to watch it back!
- 01:51 Ben: Plenty more opportunities, including our race (I'm screwed :P )
- 01:52 Ben: Congrats again, I was very impressed
- 01:52 Race result recorded by roopert83#2255