
Super Mario Bros. 3 SMB3 Warpless
Opened by
Lui #1410
Race monitors
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  1. 1st budzyRNG #1142 Finished 2,216
  2. 2nd TEEX88 #4981 more lost 1-F speed, dombox, 3-2 dmg, 9 tries 7-1, 2 hands Finished 3,063
  3. 3rd Czikubi #9361 he / they Finished 3,334
  4. 4th neoshazam #3177 more 22 tries 7-1, 1 and 20(?) tries in 7-9 , hand 1, w6 star bro, slow 1 fort/4-3, otherwise not bad Finished 2,121
  5. 5th highflyer28 #7832 he / him more meme run. beat bowser with frog Finished 1,917
5 entrants (0 inactive)