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- 20:00 stewie_cartman#9117 joins the race.
- 20:00 LYVYE____#4289 joins the race.
- 20:02 neoshazam#3177 joins the race.
- 20:03 Baddap1#3101 joins the race.
- 20:04 Katti_SR#3765 joins the race.
- 20:04 LYVYE____#4289 quits the race.
- 20:04 Baddap1#3101 quits the race.
- 20:04 LYVYE____#4289 joins the race.
- 20:11 Yatokami9#1063 joins the race.
- 20:11 Baddap1: my twitch account doesnt connect :(
- 20:12 Katti_SR: it's not criteria tho
- 20:14 Baddap1#3101 joins the race.
- 20:20 Hocus_thePocus#6029 joins the race.
- 20:20 Lui#1410 joins the race.
- 20:21 Kuto1k: bald with the sauce, kalju kastikkeen kanssa, kahl mit der soße, calvo con la salsa
- 20:21 Kuto1k#2056 joins the race.
- 20:22 Naksu#1605 joins the race.
- 20:24 Naksu#1605 is ready! (9 remaining)
- 20:25 LYVYE____#4289 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 20:27 Katti_SR#3765 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 20:28 Hocus_thePocus#6029 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 20:28 Baddap1#3101 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 20:28 Kuto1k#2056 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 20:30 neoshazam#3177 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:30 Yatokami9#1063 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:31 Katti_SR: any ready uppers
- 20:31 Yatokami9: luis game is buggin, hold
- 20:32 Lui#1410 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:32 stewie_cartman#9117 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:32 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:32 Lui: sorryglglgl
- 20:32 Kuto1k: gl
- 20:32 Katti_SR: glgl
- 20:32 Hocus_thePocus: gl
- 20:32 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:32 Baddap1: glgl
- 20:40 stewie_cartman: post 2-3 plus box
- 20:52 neoshazam: I had a very good start until 3-2 freak death
- 20:55 Baddap1: got extra bro :(
- 20:56 Hocus_thePocus: I got ronnie and had to skip both, and 4F1 was slow
- 20:58 Naksu#1605 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:00 Baddap1: 2 extra bros :(
- 21:12 stewie_cartman#9117 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:12 stewie_cartman: died in 7-8
- 21:12 stewie_cartman: after 27 tries 7-6
- 21:14 Baddap1: died on 7f2 :(
- 21:15 Kuto1k: dude non eh wr pace into world 8 41:59 world 7 split lol
- 21:15 Kuto1k: i did 7-9
- 21:15 neoshazam: nice kuto
- 21:15 neoshazam: 1st try 7-1, saved 2.5 in w7 with a very good w7 for me
- 21:18 Kuto1k: first hand YEP
- 21:23 Kuto1k#2056 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:50:42!
- 21:23 Kuto1k: lol
- 21:24 neoshazam: gg
- 21:25 neoshazam#3177 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:52:59!
- 21:25 Lui#1410 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:53:16!
- 21:25 Yatokami9#1063 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:53:26!
- 21:26 neoshazam#3177 added a comment.
- 21:26 Yatokami9#1063 added a comment.
- 21:27 Hocus_thePocus#6029 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:54:35!
- 21:27 Hocus_thePocus#6029 scored a new personal best time for "Warpless
- 21:27 Baddap1#3101 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:54:43!
- 21:27 neoshazam: gg hocus
- 21:27 neoshazam: gg all
- 21:27 Yatokami9: nice runs
- 21:27 Yatokami9: hocus Pog
- 21:27 Baddap1: ggs
- 21:27 Lui: nice runs
- 21:27 Lui: huge 50 race
- 21:27 Baddap1: yo hocus
- 21:27 Hocus_thePocus: wottt pb? does that mean race pb?
- 21:27 Kuto1k: ggs everyone
- 21:28 neoshazam: @hocus = yes...your racetime pb
- 21:28 Hocus_thePocus: ooo
- 21:28 Hocus_thePocus: glory time :D
- 21:29 Katti_SR#3765 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:56:43!
- 21:29 Baddap1#3101 added a comment.
- 21:29 Katti_SR#3765 added a comment.
- 21:31 LYVYE____#4289 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:59:21!
- 21:31 Race finished in 0:59:21.9
- 21:31 Hocus_thePocus: GGs all!
- 21:32 LYVYE____: Kept it under the hour
- 21:32 Hocus_thePocus: nice!
- 21:32 Kuto1k: ggs!
- 01:49 Race result recorded by roopert83#2255