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- 22:22 Dustminion#8952 invites Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 to join the race.
- 22:23 Dustminion#8952 invites CrystaJoy730#2554 to join the race.
- 22:25 highflyer28#7832 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:25 CrystaJoy730#2554 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:25 AngelicJade#1049 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:26 TEEX88#4981 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:27 CrystaJoy730#2554 joins It's Fun to Play at the NUKE.
- 22:28 CrystaJoy730: Jon should get a kick out of the team name
- 22:39 AngelicJade: okies I back
- 22:40 AngelicJade: man My PC Hates having discord opened with SL
- 22:41 diesel_pilot: Oh, yes, I do
- 22:41 diesel_pilot: cute, Crysta :D
- 22:41 AngelicJade: Nuke the Ta'Nukes
- 22:42 CrystaJoy730: SWEEEEEETIEEEEE
- 22:43 Dustminion: alright players, please form your teams
- 22:44 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:44 AngelicJade#1049 joins The Amazing Buccaneers.
- 22:44 AngelicJade: omg Im a Bucc
- 22:44 AngelicJade: XD
- 22:44 Jon-Dat Flindo: NUKE
- 22:45 highflyer28: flindo you can make the name
- 22:45 CrystaJoy730: YOOOOO Jade! Welcome to my Football Team
- 22:45 AngelicJade: lolol
- 22:45 diesel_pilot: All right, restream setup is good to go
- 22:46 Dustminion: i hope you continue to embarrass atlanta til the end of time, tampa
- 22:46 Dustminion: then again, atlanta does plenty of that by themselves
- 22:47 Dustminion: base flags: 3KB9NLK5TQK6GS4
- 22:47 Dustminion: mac flags: cEa.0.0
- 22:47 AngelicJade: Im having major stuttering issues rn
- 22:48 Jon-Dat Flindo: team Fl squared
- 22:49 TEEX88#4981 joins The Amazing Buccaneers.
- 22:49 Dustminion: also, has everyone set up their obs to capture only the game audio and not discord audio?
- 22:49 Jon-Dat Flindo: yup
- 22:49 MaCobra52: Mac flags are cEd.0.0
- 22:49 AngelicJade: I think so
- 22:50 highflyer28: yes dust
- 22:50 highflyer28: it should be
- 22:50 Dustminion: oh, cEd.0.0? ok
- 22:50 diesel_pilot: If everyone can just say something out loud, I'm listening to all your streams at the moment
- 22:50 diesel_pilot: Teex, I think I hear you
- 22:51 AngelicJade: go for it Teex
- 22:53 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 joins The Critical Meeple.
- 22:53 highflyer28#7832 joins The Critical Meeple.
- 22:54 Jon-Dat Flindo: we are team t0zzle star :D
- 22:55 diesel_pilot: !flags 3KB9NLK5TQK6GS4
- 22:55 SMB3 Seed Generator updated the race information.
- 22:55 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed: 232989458724 - Flags: 3KB9NLK5TQK6GS4
- 22:55 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 22:56 Dustminion: star shroom 2k 4k 1up 1up (21LY)
- 22:56 AngelicJade: star shroom 2k 4k 1up 1 up 21LY
- 22:56 Jon-Dat Flindo: match
- 22:56 AngelicJade: Ily 2 hash
- 22:57 highflyer28: jade pls it doesnt ly
- 22:57 Jon-Dat Flindo: at least its not ugly like that other one lol
- 22:59 highflyer28#7832 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:59 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:59 AngelicJade#1049 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:01 diesel_pilot: Teex, how are you doing?
- 23:01 TEEX88: almost done, sorry for the holdup
- 23:02 AngelicJade: GLHF yall <3
- 23:03 Jon-Dat Flindo: gfhl
- 23:03 diesel_pilot: There ya go!
- 23:05 diesel_pilot: or maybe not, ...
- 23:06 TEEX88: OK
- 23:06 TEEX88: just 40-year old hardware things :))
- 23:06 TEEX88#4981 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:06 diesel_pilot: Teex, you realize your OBS output is REALLY zoomed in?
- 23:07 Dustminion: gonna take some time to explain things before i cut you loose
- 23:07 diesel_pilot: looks like the left and right are cropped quite a bit
- 23:07 AngelicJade: okies :) HF yall
- 23:07 diesel_pilot: and now it's just blank
- 23:07 diesel_pilot: nm
- 23:08 TEEX88: somehow amarec switched me from 4:3 to 16:9
- 23:08 TEEX88: technology pls
- 23:08 diesel_pilot: PERFECT
- 23:08 highflyer28: i know its cold out here but you dont have to ice us Kappa
- 23:08 diesel_pilot: Dust, Crysta, release when you're ready
- 23:08 diesel_pilot: they're doing on-stream intros to the League event
- 23:08 Jon-Dat Flindo: watch it be w6 start
- 23:10 Dustminion: alright here we go
- 23:10 Dustminion: good luck everyone!
- 23:10 Dustminion#8952 quits the race.
- 23:10 Dustminion#8952 removes CrystaJoy730#2554 from the race.
- 23:10 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:10 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:48 highflyer28#7832 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:37:46!
- 23:48 diesel_pilot: GG, race 2:
- 23:49 TEEX88#4981 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:38:56!
- 23:50 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:39:42!
- 23:53 AngelicJade#1049 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:43:19!
- 23:53 Race finished in 0:43:19.5
- 23:54 AngelicJade: the stuttering is ridiculous man lol
- 23:54 AngelicJade: my emu is having a fit tonight'
- 23:55 Race result recorded by diesel_pilot#2275