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- 01:36 diesel_pilot: all three of you showed up while I was restarting my browser
- 01:38 Tannhaus#8699 joins the race.
- 01:38 Dr Torstol: heya tann
- 01:39 Tannhaus: sup friends
- 01:41 Dr Torstol: doing good ready for more punishment in this
- 01:41 diesel_pilot: Hey Marky and Tannhaus, since it's going to take me longer than normal to do the setup, can you start your streams, please?
- 01:42 MarkyMark679: sure one moment
- 01:43 diesel_pilot#2275 updated the race information.
- 01:43 diesel_pilot: Thank you. And your flags are in the description.
- 01:43 Tannhaus: swiss?
- 01:43 diesel_pilot: It's the tournament Swiss
- 01:43 diesel_pilot: yes
- 01:43 DannyPSpeed#8044 joins the race.
- 01:46 Dr Torstol: is there a like 6 person layout for the smb3r channel
- 01:47 diesel_pilot: 6 person is MarioCrouching
- 01:47 stewie_cartman: sup gamers
- 01:48 Dr Torstol: heya stewie
- 01:48 DannyPSpeed: keep the top two swap the bottom 2 out, or vice versa
- 01:48 WilliamInTX: I don't care whether or not I'm on if there isn't enough space
- 01:48 DannyPSpeed: like last time
- 01:48 stewie_cartman: need more people tonight?
- 01:49 diesel_pilot: go ahead and jump on in
- 01:50 Dr Torstol: more the merrier
- 01:50 Tannhaus: idc if not re streamed
- 01:50 DannyPSpeed: only if youre ok with ghetting 2nd stew
- 01:50 DannyPSpeed: XD
- 01:50 stewie_cartman: YobbyThink
- 01:50 stewie_cartman: cant remember the last weekly i was in
- 01:50 DannyPSpeed: jk of course
- 01:51 Dr Torstol: goal: not be more then 5mins behind danny lol
- 01:51 Dr Torstol: objective already failed
- 01:51 DannyPSpeed: set your goal to not die instead and youll be happier and improve more
- 01:51 stewie_cartman#9117 joins the race.
- 01:52 Dr Torstol: true i guess i write down where i die when in dying animation :(
- 01:52 Dr Torstol: there are a few common spots i've noticed at least
- 01:52 Dr Torstol: 2F has taken my life or damage alot which is wierd
- 01:52 DannyPSpeed: really important to do that so nice job
- 01:52 DannyPSpeed: that was one for me too
- 01:53 diesel_pilot: okay, here's your first seed
- 01:53 diesel_pilot: !flags 3KB9K7X80X2BJ14
- 01:53 SMB3 Seed Generator updated the race information.
- 01:53 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed: 625472505976 - Flags: 3KB9K7X80X2BJ14
- 01:53 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:53 DannyPSpeed: am i on restream?
- 01:54 stewie_cartman: i havent played any smb3 since probably last sunday. so im sure im gonna get a good ol stone cold steve austin ass whooping lol
- 01:54 diesel_pilot: not the first one, Danny
- 01:54 DannyPSpeed: ok
- 01:54 DannyPSpeed: dont need to mute my mic then :D
- 01:54 MarkyMark679: star flower 1k mushroom 4k 1k gmlp
- 01:54 diesel_pilot: right
- 01:55 WilliamInTX: match
- 01:55 Tannhaus: match
- 01:55 Dr Torstol: match
- 01:57 stewie_cartman: match
- 01:57 WilliamInTX#3479 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 01:57 MarkyMark679#2732 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:58 Dr Torstol#8278 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:58 Tannhaus#8699 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:58 stewie_cartman#9117 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:58 DannyPSpeed#8044 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:58 stewie_cartman: gl everyone
- 01:59 MarkyMark679: glhf
- 01:59 WilliamInTX: gl
- 01:59 Tannhaus: GL
- 01:59 DannyPSpeed: hf
- 01:59 Dr Torstol: gl
- 02:00 diesel_pilot: okay, I think the restream is good, give me a minute while I get Crysta loaded on audio and verify the restream
- 02:03 diesel_pilot: okay
- 02:03 diesel_pilot: we're all set
- 02:03 diesel_pilot: here we go
- 02:03 diesel_pilot: GL HF!!!
- 02:03 diesel_pilot#2275 quits the race.
- 02:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:34 DannyPSpeed#8044 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:30:35!
- 02:41 stewie_cartman#9117 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:37:26!
- 02:41 MarkyMark679#2732 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:37:27!
- 02:42 DannyPSpeed: great teachable moment in this seed i doubt the vets even thought of, someone remind me to talk about it in the interview
- 02:43 Tannhaus#8699 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:39:07!
- 02:44 diesel_pilot:
- 02:46 Dr Torstol: i'm dumb
- 02:47 diesel_pilot: if you don't want to play a second seed, just come on into the interview
- 02:47 diesel_pilot:
- 02:47 WilliamInTX#3479 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:43:59!
- 02:48 WilliamInTX: I'm dumber
- 02:48 WilliamInTX: I probably died 15 times
- 02:48 WilliamInTX: And a gamble that went hilariously wrong in pipe world
- 02:49 Dr Torstol: i didn't look at pipe 2 in w8
- 02:49 Dr Torstol: and did almost everything in w8
- 02:49 Dr Torstol#8278 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:45:50!
- 02:49 Race finished in 0:45:50.3
- 02:49 MarkyMark679: i messed up w7 as well william
- 02:52 WilliamInTX: I was betting that it was a one-forter, then played the one on the last screen, then had to go back
- 03:37 Race result recorded by diesel_pilot#2275