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- 01:49 MarkyMark679: match
- 01:49 AngelicJade: GL!!!
- 01:49 Jon-Dat Flindo: i swear if 7FU is first again.....
- 01:49 Jon-Dat Flindo: 3 times today
- 01:49 Dr Torstol: jade with the seed roll
- 01:49 Dr Torstol: oh no
- 01:49 AngelicJade: I dont wanna make peeps wit 10 min
- 01:49 AngelicJade: lol
- 01:50 Jokubotti: match
- 01:50 Dr Torstol: match
- 01:50 stewie_cartman: match
- 01:51 Tannhaus: my deluxe doesnt work
- 01:51 Tannhaus: anyone can send me the seed?
- 01:51 VixRyder: Match
- 01:52 VixRyder#1476 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 01:52 MarkyMark679: sent tann
- 01:52 Dr Torstol#8278 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 01:52 Jokubotti#3351 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:52 MarkyMark679#2732 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:52 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:52 stewie_cartman#9117 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:53 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 01:53 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:54 Tannhaus#8699 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:54 Tannhaus: tyvm marky
- 01:54 DannyPSpeed: gl
- 01:54 stewie_cartman: gl
- 01:54 DannyPSpeed#8044 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:54 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:55 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:33 DannyPSpeed#8044 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:38:49!
- 02:35 Jon-Dat Flindo#3508 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:40:46!
- 02:38 VixRyder#1476 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:42:59!
- 02:38 DannyPSpeed: trash seed
- 02:38 Jon-Dat Flindo: ^
- 02:38 VixRyder: That's offensive to trash too
- 02:38 DannyPSpeed: jet -> dumpster fire
- 02:38 stewie_cartman: yep
- 02:38 stewie_cartman: i hate this so far
- 02:39 DannyPSpeed: w6 and 7 took me like 13+{ minutes alone
- 02:39 AngelicJade: :)
- 02:39 stewie_cartman: who rolled this garbage?
- 02:39 DannyPSpeed: my WIFE
- 02:39 Jon-Dat Flindo: jade
- 02:39 AngelicJade: lol
- 02:39 DannyPSpeed: LUL
- 02:40 Dr Torstol: i have a question for when i finish
- 02:41 stewie_cartman#9117 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:46:13!
- 02:41 Jokubotti#3351 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:46:22!
- 02:41 stewie_cartman: what an absolute dumpster fire
- 02:41 Jon-Dat Flindo: close finish
- 02:41 DannyPSpeed: go ahead and ask torstal, im sure everyone is past it
- 02:42 Dr Torstol: what was the levels at 4-4 and 4f1 tiles
- 02:42 Dr Torstol: as i did a hammer play on right side
- 02:42 Dr Torstol#8278 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:47:32!
- 02:42 Jon-Dat Flindo: i did that too
- 02:43 Dr Torstol: i gambled on it being the further fort being corret
- 02:43 Tannhaus#8699 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:48:10!
- 02:43 Dr Torstol: but jade please
- 02:43 Dr Torstol: thats bad
- 02:43 Jon-Dat Flindo: i think that path was just shorter anyway
- 02:44 Dr Torstol: it was 2 levels then the 2 forts or 1 level then the 2 forts
- 02:44 MarkyMark679#2732 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:49:08!
- 02:44 Race finished in 0:49:08.2
- 02:44 Dr Torstol: gg
- 02:44 Jon-Dat Flindo: i take it you finished 1F then
- 02:44 MarkyMark679: jade WHAT WAS THAT!?!
- 02:44 Jon-Dat Flindo: or rather didnt finish it
- 02:44 AngelicJade: GEEEEEGEEEEEE
- 02:44 Dr Torstol: i didn't get the 1f item
- 02:44 Dr Torstol: what was it
- 02:44 Jon-Dat Flindo: hammer
- 02:44 Dr Torstol: i got my hammer w5 coin ship
- 02:44 Jon-Dat Flindo: only one i found
- 02:44 AngelicJade: That was the perfect me seed
- 02:44 DannyPSpeed: same
- 02:45 AngelicJade: start w3 seen 7FU perfect
- 02:45 AngelicJade: lol
- 02:45 DannyPSpeed: i hammered w4, it was a gamble, i noped iout of 1f
- 02:45 Tannhaus: omg this was the worst seed in a long time
- 02:45 AngelicJade: hey it was aquick start >.>
- 02:45 VixRyder: Man a hammer would have been nice
- 02:45 Dr Torstol: like that was the seed that the faster runner will always win
- 02:45 Dr Torstol: not too many gamble
- 02:45 Tannhaus: GN everyone
- 02:46 AngelicJade: Nighty night yall!
- 02:46 Tannhaus: GGs
- 02:46 MarkyMark679: a quick start sure but so many long worlds
- 02:46 Jon-Dat Flindo: how di di end up in 2nd then lol
- 02:46 AngelicJade: GG
- 02:46 AngelicJade: <3
- 02:46 Dr Torstol: i also got minior confused in w7 cause all 3 pipes lead back and fort from middle bottom to end area
- 02:46 DannyPSpeed: got my hammer from w5 coinship
- 02:47 Dr Torstol: i said to myself i want to check these i want a hammer idc