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- 01:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:07 TheBeastMonster_#3870 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:00:00!
- 01:08 DannyPSpeed: gg
- 01:08 stewie_cartman: gg
- 01:08 proa007: beast, undone this, please.
- 01:15 proa007: thebeastmonster, please fix your race status. you are not done.
- 01:17 Dustminion: when you have a moment, of course
- 01:24 stewie_cartman: shoutout to koopa boss hitboxes
- 01:24 stewie_cartman: 10/10
- 01:25 DannyPSpeed: shoutouts to clipping through platforms to death as well
- 01:26 Dustminion: seconded about the hitboxes
- 01:28 MidiGuyDP: third
- 01:30 proa007: motion carries.
- 01:33 Dustminion: beast, you still have to undone
- 01:34 DannyPSpeed: are we getting trolled?
- 01:34 stewie_cartman: probly
- 01:34 sharchid#6338 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:34 DarthIkaros: I didn't want to get more frustrated after 3 game overs
- 01:35 proa007: he registered so I don't think so.
- 01:37 stewie_cartman: shoutout to cheap cheep hitboxes
- 01:38 Dustminion: chat window's probably in the background
- 01:40 TEEX88#4981 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:32:42!
- 01:40 proa007: GG
- 01:40 stewie_cartman: gg
- 01:40 TEEX88: gg
- 01:40 Dustminion: very impressive
- 01:40 Dustminion: well done
- 01:40 DannyPSpeed: second place nice
- 01:41 stewie_cartman: pretty sure he really got first place
- 01:42 proa007: he did.
- 01:43 DannyPSpeed: i was joking lol
- 01:43 stewie_cartman: lol
- 01:43 proa007#3765 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:36:26!
- 01:45 stewie_cartman: my brain is fried rn dlp. had a 13 hour day today. my bad
- 01:46 DLP316#2230 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:39:32!
- 01:46 Grauwulf: Ggs
- 01:47 DannyPSpeed: felt like i was playing pretty good, dont know what the hell teex did to beat me by 7 minutes
- 01:47 MidiGuyDP#7181 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:40:18!
- 01:47 proa007: he made a couple of really good guesses.
- 01:48 DannyPSpeed: every guess i made was correct until 8. double hammer maybe. not 7 minutes worth of misguessing in 8 lol
- 01:48 stewie_cartman: probly skipped atlantis
- 01:48 proa007: I skipped atlantis.
- 01:48 DannyPSpeed: i didnt see that one
- 01:48 MidiGuyDP: I didn't
- 01:48 stewie_cartman: i didnt have a cloud to
- 01:49 stewie_cartman#9117 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:41:42!
- 01:49 MidiGuyDP: I did skip some HB's
- 01:49 stewie_cartman: 5th place. ill take it
- 01:49 proa007: nicely done stewie.
- 01:49 HUmanMustard#0772 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:42:40!
- 01:50 stewie_cartman: my last attempt i took at the 7-7 clip before i bailed i hit the pixel. but wrong subpixel
- 01:50 HUmanMustard: EZ
- 01:50 stewie_cartman: ty proa
- 01:50 DannyPSpeed: no interviews tonight?
- 01:50 MidiGuyDP: Twas wondering about that
- 01:50 proa007: the bot is broken, apparently.
- 01:50 MidiGuyDP: Ah
- 01:51 proa007: details to come on an extra qualifier for those who need it.
- 01:51 stewie_cartman: ty for the race. gg everyone
- 01:51 MidiGuyDP: GG
- 01:51 TheBeastMonster_#3870 has been disqualified from the race by proa007#3765.
- 01:51 MidiGuyDP: Twas fun, def going regular asthetic next time lol
- 01:51 stewie_cartman: have a good night
- 01:52 MidiGuyDP: Same
- 01:52 proa007: have a good night.
- 01:54 clarisdatcom#1810 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:47:03!
- 01:54 MidiGuyDP: So just before I head off, just to check, will interviews be a thing since the bot is afk?
- 01:54 MidiGuyDP: GG
- 01:54 Dustminion#8952 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:47:22!
- 01:54 MidiGuyDP: GG
- 01:54 Dustminion: gigi
- 01:55 Dustminion: okay, now i'm really curious as to how teex did
- 01:55 MidiGuyDP: Me too O.o
- 01:55 Dustminion: it seemed like this seed had EVERY single obstacle imaginable
- 01:55 Dustminion: (though it didn't help my case that i totally forgot i had music box for giant land AND cloud for w8)
- 01:56 DannyPSpeed: right? i felt like i was the first into 8lol
- 01:57 DannyPSpeed: he had to of done something none of us did because i wasnt playing 7 minutes behind slow or making mistakes
- 01:58 Grauwulf#6557 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:51:35!
- 01:58 Race finished in 0:51:35.3
- 01:59 Grauwulf: wwwooooowwwwwww......
- 01:59 Dustminion: oh wow, teex also went for the item in 3-7 apparently
- 01:59 Dustminion: the sole hammer suit in the whole seed
- 01:59 Grauwulf: Same, it was hammer bro
- 01:59 DannyPSpeed: still lol
- 01:59 clarisdatcom: gg's all
- 02:00 Dustminion: damn, if only i remembered i had a cloud, i could've beaten claris, lol
- 02:00 clarisdatcom: taking a cloud late was a nice idea, plus 3-7 for the item
- 02:01 Dustminion: anchor was frog suit, btw
- 02:01 clarisdatcom: did beast livesplit themselves?
- 02:01 clarisdatcom: cause they are still playing
- 02:01 Dustminion: he got dq'd because he didn't see the messages
- 02:02 Dustminion: they. sorry
- 02:02 clarisdatcom: i hide the window, wouldn't be able to contact me
- 02:02 Dustminion: i have it visible to the side
- 02:03 clarisdatcom: the less stimuli the better
- 02:04 Race result recorded by HUmanMustard#0772