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- 00:28 MaCobra52#8982 joins the race.
- 00:28 MaCobra52#8982 invites DannyPSpeed#8044 to join the race.
- 00:28 MaCobra52#8982 invites TEEX88#4981 to join the race.
- 00:28 MaCobra52#8982 invites MidiGuyDP#7181 to join the race.
- 00:28 SMB3 Seed Generator: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:29 TEEX88#4981 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:37 MidiGuyDP#7181 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:39 stewie_cartman#9117 requests to join the race.
- 00:40 MidiGuyDP#7181 joins The Dazzling Tooltips.
- 00:41 MaCobra52#8982 joins The Amused Zeroes.
- 00:41 Dustminion#8952 accepts a request to join from stewie_cartman#9117.
- 00:41 MaCobra52: smh at these names..
- 00:42 Dustminion: hey, my game 1 had "mega zoomers" and "hyper zoomers"
- 00:43 CrystaJoy730: -_-
- 00:43 MidiGuyDP: Team names a re fun XD
- 00:44 CrystaJoy730: Tooltips? XD
- 00:44 MidiGuyDP: That means lot's of Hammers ^^
- 00:47 Dustminion: teex, danny, please join your respective teams
- 00:47 TEEX88#4981 joins The Dazzling Tooltips.
- 00:48 MidiGuyDP: Welcome aboard
- 00:48 TEEX88: o7
- 00:51 MaCobra52: So hammers break locks, autoscrollers are on, and clipping is off, is that the gist?
- 00:51 MidiGuyDP: Start with Powerups as well
- 00:51 TEEX88: pretty much
- 00:51 MaCobra52: Gotcha
- 00:53 diesel_pilot: Danny, you need to accept the invite
- 00:53 stewie_cartman: here ya go fellas
- 00:53 stewie_cartman: !flags D6P1UJ9BM8YY114
- 00:53 SMB3 Seed Generator updated the race information.
- 00:53 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed: 199418259326 - Flags: D6P1UJ9BM8YY114
- 00:53 SMB3 Seed Generator: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:54 DannyPSpeed#8044 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:55 DannyPSpeed#8044 joins The Amused Zeroes.
- 00:55 MidiGuyDP: Note, 1Up, 4k, Coin, Flower, 1Up
- 00:56 DannyPSpeed: match
- 00:56 MidiGuyDP#7181 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 00:56 MidiGuyDP: Also Bowser Hall is Vanilla
- 00:56 Dustminion: Same as week 1. Hammers break locks, level autoscrollers ON, ship autoscrollers OFF, **CLIPPING DISABLED**, Bowser hallway vanilla, start with powerups; wand cutscene skip
- 00:57 TEEX88: i forgot, any poison mushroom?
- 00:57 stewie_cartman: no
- 00:57 TEEX88: ok thx
- 00:58 MaCobra52: match
- 00:58 MaCobra52#8982 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:58 TEEX88: match
- 00:58 TEEX88#4981 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:58 MaCobra52: Prepare to'd?
- 00:58 MaCobra52: MarioWindow
- 00:58 diesel_pilot: "I am NOT Amused!!!"
- 00:59 MidiGuyDP: We gona dazzle the Boss Basses... since we can't clip XD
- 00:59 DannyPSpeed#8044 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:00 MidiGuyDP: glhf
- 01:00 TEEX88: gl gamers
- 01:00 MaCobra52: GL HF!
- 01:02 diesel_pilot: they're about to start!
- 01:02 diesel_pilot: give them a moment
- 01:02 stewie_cartman: everyone good?
- 01:02 MidiGuyDP: Yep
- 01:02 TEEX88: yes
- 01:02 MaCobra52: yep
- 01:02 stewie_cartman: gl fellas
- 01:03 stewie_cartman#9117 quits the race.
- 01:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:34 MaCobra52#8982 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:31:22!
- 01:35 diesel_pilot:
- 01:37 DannyPSpeed#8044 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:34:37!
- 01:41 MidiGuyDP#7181 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:38:01!
- 01:41 TEEX88#4981 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:38:41!
- 01:41 Race finished in 0:38:41.7
- 01:43 Race result recorded by diesel_pilot#2275