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- 05:28 inlustria: no objectives, let's go full shambles
- 05:29 edibletoaster: ok hitting generate
- 05:29 BandsWithLegends: what is heavy?
- 05:29 edibletoaster: it tries extra hard to force late items to be late
- 05:29 paf: heavy means it will try its absolute hardest to put late items late
- 05:29 BandsWithLegends: kk
- 05:29 edibletoaster:
- 05:29 paf: normal settings use moderate, where it generally tries to, but occasionally it wont listen
- 05:29 edibletoaster: oh man this is gonna be awful but hopefully in a fun way
- 05:29 paf: and itll put a late item early
- 05:29 paf: just to mix it up
- 05:29 edibletoaster#2246 updated the race information.
- 05:30 BandsWithLegends: so that means like grav suit/screw attack/etc will be later in progression?
- 05:30 paf: yes
- 05:30 paf: it means if you find grav, it literally had to put grav there and no other item would have worked
- 05:30 BandsWithLegends#6265 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 05:30 paf: where in the regular settings, it may have done the same, but it also might have rolled grav as not a super late item
- 05:31 Skyy: I was late to the party, is this walljump collectible w/ high jump and no objectives?
- 05:31 Cruelbeans: watching spiffy, Bearnis, Sam, Baron, and Game play Expert challenge multiworld...they've been on escape for over 1 hour
- 05:32 Cruelbeans: it's horrible
- 05:32 edibletoaster#2246 updated the race information.
- 05:32 Cruelbeans: time to watch you guys in this one :)
- 05:32 paf: geemer namihe sova choot
- 05:32 edibletoaster: lmao
- 05:32 edibletoaster: confirmed
- 05:33 GalenMarek1988: youre a real one CruelBeans <3
- 05:33 paf#4057 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 05:33 Skyy: I'm sure I'll find out, but confirming walljump is collectible?
- 05:33 edibletoaster: ooooh
- 05:33 edibletoaster: I didn't turn that on
- 05:33 paf: god bless
- 05:34 edibletoaster: I forgot
- 05:34 GalenMarek1988: LOL
- 05:34 inlustria: nono, this one is spazer start, late morph
- 05:34 edibletoaster: but imo this seed is gonna be bad enough as it is
- 05:34 inlustria: and no objectives
- 05:34 Skyy: ok, so we can walljump lol, I see we start with Spazer
- 05:34 inlustria#5789 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 05:34 Skyy: cool ty, should be fun
- 05:34 edibletoaster#2246 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 05:34 edibletoaster: np, gl hf everyone
- 05:34 paf: i might love starting with spazer
- 05:34 edibletoaster: I really like spazer
- 05:34 paf: and its gonna make me sad that its not popular or gonna be the default
- 05:35 edibletoaster: agreed
- 05:35 Skyy: gl hf
- 05:35 Skyy#7198 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 05:35 paf: im gonna see a two tile high heated room and think its bat cave
- 05:35 paf: and it aint bat cave, just ridley
- 05:35 GalenMarek1988: GL, HF, Pre-GGs
- 05:35 GalenMarek1988#5908 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 05:36 Skyy: I've played quite a lot of random objective seeds, you get used to seeing the doors and pick it out
- 05:36 Supersponge: Good luck everyone.
- 05:36 edibletoaster: gl hf
- 05:36 paf: hf
- 05:36 Supersponge#2971 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 05:36 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 05:36 inlustria: glhf
- 05:36 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 06:12 paf: turns out, overlookies still exist :(
- 06:13 edibletoaster: oh no did you just find what I just found...
- 06:13 BandsWithLegends: I thought we banned those in 2025
- 06:20 paf#4057 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:43:41!
- 06:20 edibletoaster: gg
- 06:20 paf: ggs
- 06:20 paf: dude i lvoe starting with spazer
- 06:20 BandsWithLegends: guess that overlookie wasn't too big of a deal
- 06:20 edibletoaster: it's so good
- 06:21 paf: ehh cost me at least five minutes i think, but it worked out in the end
- 06:21 BandsWithLegends: you mean you don't wanna do that stupid forgotten highway room with pea shooter every run?
- 06:21 paf: lol
- 06:24 GalenMarek1988: ok wtf am i missing?!
- 06:24 BandsWithLegends#6265 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:47:31!
- 06:24 BandsWithLegends: 5:30 pausa
- 06:30 Supersponge#2971 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:53:29!
- 06:31 Skyy#7198 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:54:49!
- 06:31 Skyy: hurray for spending 10 minutes trying to get a spike suit
- 06:32 BandsWithLegends: where'd you need a spike suit?
- 06:32 Skyy: zeb skip
- 06:32 BandsWithLegends: oh I just used ammo, refilled, used ammo, refilled, etc.
- 06:32 Skyy: I only had 25/5.
- 06:33 Skyy: prob would have taken just as long though. usually not that hard but guess it's an off night for it
- 06:38 inlustria#5789 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:02:10!
- 06:39 inlustria: ggs!
- 06:39 Skyy: ggs, that was fun. And I'm with you, Spazer surprisingly nice to start with
- 06:39 Skyy: Paf*
- 06:48 edibletoaster#2246 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:12:12!
- 06:48 edibletoaster: gg that was fun
- 06:49 GalenMarek1988: so, do i continue?>
- 06:49 edibletoaster: if you want to see how the seed ends
- 06:50 GalenMarek1988: not really, im over it. im not getting any better than the last time i played
- 06:52 edibletoaster: ah, well I'll open the spoiler if that's alright
- 06:54 GalenMarek1988#5908 has forfeited from the race.
- 06:54 Race finished in 1:17:42.4