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- 02:47 BastionBlue: zeela viola tatori fune
- 02:48 mrockstar: okay well *shrugs* it's been awhile for me
- 02:48 mrockstar: so i just went witht he default settings i remember ><
- 02:48 mrockstar: is four tiered.
- 02:48 mrockstar: i dunno how to change that.
- 02:49 mrockstar: its fine:)
- 02:49 Sivarticus#5080 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 02:49 Superflissbro#8976 joins the race.
- 02:49 asheevee_: there's a preset for community race season 2 at the very top of the generate screen
- 02:50 GalenMarek1988: GL, HF
- 02:50 GalenMarek1988#5908 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 02:50 Lunix: so we are not using that seed?
- 02:50 asheevee_: oh and are we using spoiler? just noticed it isn't locked
- 02:50 PROUTJV: no we use that seed
- 02:50 mrockstar: it's chill
- 02:50 mrockstar: so spoiler is avalble
- 02:50 mrockstar: this isn't for points
- 02:50 mrockstar: people can use resourecs
- 02:50 mrockstar: to figure things out
- 02:50 mrockstar: if people want to learn
- 02:50 Lunix: i think checking spoilers will mess my mind up anyway
- 02:50 PROUTJV: yeah idk
- 02:51 mrockstar: so don't click it:)
- 02:51 mrockstar: this is how chill races have gone before
- 02:51 mrockstar: so heck it we bacll
- 02:51 mrockstar: :D
- 02:51 mrockstar: ball*
- 02:51 mrockstar: we are gonna keep it
- 02:51 mrockstar#7363 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 02:51 Definitely Lunix#5621 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 02:51 BastionBlue#3436 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:52 Superflissbro#8976 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:52 Supersponge: Good luck everyone.
- 02:52 Supersponge#2971 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:52 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:52 Superflissbro: gl hf :)
- 02:52 Sivarticus: gl
- 02:52 asheevee_: glhf!
- 02:52 PROUTJV: glhf
- 02:52 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:56 PROUTJV: early game is more linear than fusion wtf
- 03:04 Lunix: wow
- 03:05 PROUTJV: goes from normal to go-mode real quick tbh
- 03:05 asheevee_: i'm still stuck dying to mama turtle sadge
- 03:05 asheevee_: cruel
- 03:07 asheevee_: took long enough
- 03:13 HisBeardNis: You guys running another after?
- 03:14 PROUTJV: yeah i am
- 03:14 PROUTJV: this seed is quick anyways
- 03:14 PROUTJV: 1 hour left at most
- 03:22 Lunix: wtf im looking at hahahahaha
- 03:49 Definitely Lunix#5621 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:56:35!
- 03:52 Supersponge#2971 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:59:23!
- 03:52 Lunix: 2:33 menu
- 03:53 Supersponge: ggs
- 03:54 asheevee_#4709 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:54 asheevee_: god
- 03:54 GalenMarek1988#5908 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:54 asheevee_: i was on the first 5 minutes of that seed for literally 45 minutes
- 03:54 GalenMarek1988: right there with ya
- 03:54 GalenMarek1988: no PBs, no varia, not enough energy to do anything
- 03:55 asheevee_: and i kept dying and getting sent right back to the beginning because there were zero saves
- 03:55 asheevee_: well there was exactly one
- 03:55 asheevee_: glad i'm not the only one
- 03:56 Supersponge: One part seemed especially tough. I figured we'd get 1 more e-tank at least.
- 03:56 Supersponge: Or a save nearby.
- 03:56 asheevee_: nope!
- 03:56 asheevee_: i'm peeking the map now, i honestly don't know how some of this is hard logic
- 03:56 asheevee_: i guess just super unlucky
- 03:57 Supersponge: Just the upper edge of hard, I suppose.
- 03:57 asheevee_: mama turtle grapple only should not be in hard though without an e tank imo
- 03:57 asheevee_: 2nd time today i've seen morph in that exact location
- 04:00 Lunix: putting an etank for suitless mama turtle makes no dif. she deals 2k no suits iirc
- 04:00 Lunix: 200*
- 04:00 asheevee_: oh shit really?
- 04:00 asheevee_: dang
- 04:02 asheevee_: w/o hi jump you're blind aiming for the grapple block is my main thing
- 04:05 mrockstar#7363 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:05 mrockstar: it's been real
- 04:06 mrockstar: ggs and happy new year!
- 04:09 Lunix: you cant hit the grapple mamma turtle block with a crouch jump?
- 04:09 Lunix: i forgot
- 04:22 Sivarticus#5080 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:30:04!
- 04:23 Sivarticus: ggs
- 04:36 Superflissbro#8976 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:43:37!
- 06:12 BastionBlue#3436 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:20:04!
- 06:12 BastionBlue: happy new yeare
- 06:13 BastionBlue: i'm tired
- 06:13 BastionBlue: LUL
- 18:48 PROUTJV#8529 has finished in 6th place with a time of 15:55:59!
- 18:48 Race finished in 15:55:59.5
- 18:48 PROUTJV: i need to stop falling asleep
- 18:48 PROUTJV: lmao
- 18:49 PROUTJV#8529 added a comment.