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- 01:57 Cruelbeans: I want to join but I know i'm going to be last..ill just play along side you guys without racing
- 01:57 SpiffyThomas: if you wanna carry my heavy butt
- 01:57 RJTheDestroyer#4888 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:57 SpiffyThomas: thats always a good learning experience too beans
- 01:58 SpiffyThomas: asyncing always good
- 01:59 Mo_015: ok let go
- 01:59 Mo_015: glhf
- 01:59 paf: hfhf
- 01:59 chozobozo86: glhf
- 01:59 derp: glgl
- 01:59 Mo_015#3836 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:59 SpiffyThomas: gflh
- 01:59 Nito: luck good fun have
- 01:59 derp: lunch good fries had
- 02:00 SpiffyThomas: lets go freaking ham
- 02:00 Nito: Or bacon
- 02:00 LynxXUnlimited: give me 1 min guys
- 02:00 LynxXUnlimited: sorry
- 02:00 SpiffyThomas: is sausage > bacon? i think so
- 02:00 derp: yes
- 02:00 Nito: It depends
- 02:01 Imyt: I think
- 02:01 Imyt: ats a hard question
- 02:01 Imyt: just on its own with no other practical implications
- 02:01 Imyt: suasuage is for sure better
- 02:01 derp: are you a patty person or a link lad spiffy
- 02:01 Imyt: but bacon/bacon fat and pancetta have a ton of uses
- 02:01 SpiffyThomas: patty!
- 02:01 derp: lfg
- 02:01 LynxXUnlimited: glgl
- 02:01 LynxXUnlimited#7572 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:01 SpiffyThomas: idk links doest taste the same
- 02:01 paf: hfhf
- 02:01 SpiffyThomas: always patty
- 02:01 Imyt: glgl
- 02:01 SpiffyThomas: the cheap stuff i love
- 02:01 SpiffyThomas: glhf
- 02:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:15 HisBeardNis: damn I issed this one xD
- 03:02 Nito#7994 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:00:18!
- 03:02 LynxXUnlimited#7572 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:00:45!
- 03:02 LynxXUnlimited: damn
- 03:02 LynxXUnlimited: ggs!
- 03:02 Nito: gg!
- 03:02 Nito: damn the snipe
- 03:03 Cruelbeans: you guys are insane..
- 03:03 SpiffyThomas#2303 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:01:20!
- 03:03 SpiffyThomas: imma need yall to stop sniping me
- 03:03 Mo_015#3836 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:01:50!
- 03:04 V2Nitro#8639 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:02:14!
- 03:04 SpiffyThomas#2303 added a comment.
- 03:04 Mo_015: damn! those are some close times
- 03:04 SpiffyThomas: yall lucky i had to poop mid run
- 03:04 SpiffyThomas: ggs
- 03:04 Mo_015: gg
- 03:05 derp#1183 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:03:29!
- 03:05 derp: 5 people finished while i was in escape??
- 03:06 SpiffyThomas: lol
- 03:06 SpiffyThomas: that 6:02 pause menu
- 03:06 SpiffyThomas: 3min of that was pooping i swear
- 03:06 HisBeardNis: 3 min poop? Rookie
- 03:06 HisBeardNis: 1 min wipe and go
- 03:06 Mo_015: Pause menu 3:18
- 03:06 SpiffyThomas: i wasnt about to soil my paints
- 03:06 HisBeardNis: xD
- 03:06 SpiffyThomas: pants*
- 03:06 HisBeardNis: PAINTS!
- 03:07 HisBeardNis: I mean technically it would have been paint LUL
- 03:07 Cruelbeans: I don't understand how you guys find the perfect path. maybe I just need to play 10000 more randos to understand.
- 03:08 V2Nitro: I doubt anyone found the perfect path
- 03:09 V2Nitro: I would have lost by a lot more
- 03:09 Cruelbeans: ok put yourself in my shoes lol
- 03:09 Cruelbeans: i'm playing along side you guys not in the race. 1 hr in 1 boss dead l
- 03:10 Mo_015: yeah this one wasn't that clear
- 03:11 derp: anyone else reset 1 room before morph btw
- 03:11 Nito: No but I died and had to get morph again
- 03:11 V2Nitro: nah but my early game was unbelievably terrible everywhere else
- 03:11 V2Nitro: 30+ minutes before I left norfair
- 03:11 paf#4057 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:10:06!
- 03:12 paf: dang
- 03:13 SpiffyThomas: beans, its more that we have the experience that we can kinda tell where the seed wants us to go
- 03:13 SpiffyThomas: for instance, we peek a room and find water, where we need grav.
- 03:13 SpiffyThomas: we then find grav a bit later, we immediately recognize where that water room is
- 03:14 Imyt#2811 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:12:09!
- 03:14 SpiffyThomas: think that, except we do this for EVERY room we find
- 03:25 RJTheDestroyer#4888 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:23:36!
- 03:25 RJTheDestroyer: gg
- 03:26 SpiffyThomas: gg
- 03:29 RJTheDestroyer#4888 added a comment.
- 03:31 chozobozo86#8126 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:29:14!
- 03:31 Race finished in 1:29:14.5
- 03:32 chozobozo86: GGs all. Need to stop trying to do Ridley without varia lol
- 08:50 Race result recorded by Eddie#4075