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- 21:27 Tilimorf#9649 joins the race.
- 21:28 Tilimorf#9649 updated the race information.
- 21:28 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 21:29 BandsWithLegends#6265 joins the race.
- 21:29 Joker#2187 joins the race.
- 21:29 Adriano: yoo tili what does random objective do
- 21:30 Tilimorf: the objectives are randomized instead of bosses
- 21:30 Adriano: gotchu
- 21:30 BandsWithLegends: when you get the map, the objectives will be in Xs on the map
- 21:30 Tilimorf: so there will be 4 X rooms on the map to complete instead of bosses to unlock MB
- 21:30 BandsWithLegends: still have to kill MB, I believe
- 21:30 Tilimorf: like Metroid rooms or BT or GT or Croc
- 21:30 Tilimorf: as exambles
- 21:30 Tilimorf: or even just going through Bowling
- 21:30 Adriano: I understand ty for your explanation
- 21:31 BandsWithLegends: evi9r atomic puromi kago
- 21:32 Tilimorf: yup
- 21:32 Tilimorf: agreed
- 21:33 Tilimorf: I'm good to start now if we want to get this going quick? since you said you've gotta go in 60~ minutes?
- 21:33 BandsWithLegends#6265 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:33 Tilimorf: GL HF!! :D
- 21:33 Tilimorf#9649 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:34 Adriano: can you guys give me few min just getting ready
- 21:35 Tilimorf: sure
- 21:35 Adriano: ty
- 21:35 Tilimorf: I'm hoping the random objectives is a bit faster than bosses
- 21:35 Tilimorf: :D
- 21:35 Tilimorf: but then again it could randomly be all bosses still
- 21:35 BandsWithLegends: it usually is
- 21:36 Tilimorf: drain lava is a fun one
- 21:37 Tilimorf: going through bowling is basically just phantoon bit longer
- 21:37 Tilimorf: I want to see all 4 metroid rooms as the objectives sometime :P
- 21:40 Adriano: gl hf
- 21:40 Adriano: i aplogoize for the time wait
- 21:41 Tilimorf: o/
- 21:41 Joker#2187 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:41 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:41 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:23 Adriano: i am doing a quick break kekw
- 22:26 Tilimorf: finally at my first objective! :P
- 22:27 BandsWithLegends: oh I should probably be paying attention to htose
- 22:32 BandsWithLegends: getting omega rewarded for good hell runs
- 22:59 BandsWithLegends#6265 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:18:22!
- 22:59 Tilimorf: gg
- 23:00 BandsWithLegends: was a lot of fun :)
- 23:00 BandsWithLegends: gg
- 23:00 BandsWithLegends#6265 added a comment.
- 23:00 BandsWithLegends: it felt like I did everything in the right order
- 23:06 Tilimorf#9649 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:24:47!
- 23:06 Tilimorf: GG
- 23:06 Tilimorf: IDK what a right order would have been. I struggled early but was a fun seed :)
- 23:13 Adriano: ggs
- 23:14 BandsWithLegends: it was just all of the suitless water stuff, right? I got 2 tanks and screw attack early and that led to speed iirc
- 23:14 BandsWithLegends: definitely a fun seed, I like random objectives better than boss
- 23:18 Tilimorf: yeah I believe that is how I played the seed as well.
- 23:28 Joker#2187 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:47:10!
- 23:28 Race finished in 1:47:10.4
- 23:28 Adriano: what an escape lol
- 23:28 Adriano: did anyone had suits
- 23:29 Tilimorf: I did not
- 23:32 Tilimorf: spoiler unlocked
- 23:34 Adriano: ty for the race guys I ll check the spoiler just to see what was the right order kekw