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- 16:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:03 paf: wow
- 16:03 paf: thats a funny start
- 16:50 mahoushoujoia: ...
- 16:59 paf#4057 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:57:16!
- 17:00 paf: man, low escape timers are tough blind
- 17:00 Mitch: gg
- 17:00 Mitch: ah you skipped then
- 17:00 paf: ggs
- 17:00 paf: yeah
- 17:00 Mitch: figured that was only reason it took you that long
- 17:00 paf: i was ready to end awhile ago but died a few times to ridley, and then had to redo escape
- 17:00 mahoushoujoia: i found draygon in the worst possible way
- 17:01 paf: also the baby location was kind of rude without varia
- 17:01 Aifly: ya im trying Varialess ridley for my last boss rn
- 17:01 paf: how did you find dray, mahou
- 17:01 Aifly: its been tough
- 17:01 paf: ahh glgl
- 17:01 mahoushoujoia: absolutely fucking blind
- 17:01 Mitch: i got varia lol my early game4 was just giga slow
- 17:01 paf#4057 updated the race information.
- 17:01 paf: was varia in crateria
- 17:01 Skyy: yeah
- 17:01 Mitch: yeah after wasteland
- 17:01 paf: ah
- 17:02 paf: bit hard to get then
- 17:02 paf: far away or no not really?
- 17:02 Mitch: not really but i had 20hp to spare
- 17:02 paf: hmm gotcha
- 17:02 Aifly: it would be like 4 mins for me to grab it and get back to ridley
- 17:02 Aifly: prob less
- 17:03 paf: i wonder if its reasonable to go to crateria before clearing all the stuff in.. norfair i think it is
- 17:03 Aifly: I went in to crateria because it loops
- 17:03 Aifly: so I grabbed the map and ship
- 17:03 paf: right right
- 17:03 Aifly: I also did Norfair first
- 17:04 Skyy: I went to norf, then noped out and went to Crateria
- 17:04 Skyy: wwwwwwwwwwwww
- 17:04 Skyy: ww
- 17:04 Skyy: sorry..stupid keyboard controls lol
- 17:04 paf: lol
- 17:04 paf: do you remember how many tanks you had when you got to crateria?
- 17:04 Skyy: 3+1
- 17:04 paf: hmmmmm
- 17:04 Skyy: after getting the 2 in crat
- 17:04 Mitch: i was 4-1
- 17:05 caauyjdp#5547 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:02:47!
- 17:05 Aifly: paf how many etanks did you do varialess?
- 17:05 paf: 6+1
- 17:05 paf: but mb was 7+1 since theres a tank near her
- 17:05 paf: 20 supers
- 17:05 Aifly: ok i am the same
- 17:06 Aifly: I think we did the same route
- 17:06 paf: sounds like it
- 17:09 Skyy#7198 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:07:35!
- 17:09 Skyy: strange map
- 17:11 mahoushoujoia#1992 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:08:48!
- 17:11 mahoushoujoia: first finish without varia, never wanna do it again
- 17:12 Skyy: ggs
- 17:12 Mitch: easier with a lot of tanks or supers to dump ggs
- 17:12 Skyy: yeah, I'm not nearly good enough at Ridley to do it 6+1
- 17:12 Skyy: if I had 30 supers I could maybe do 8 or 10 tanks but it'd be close.
- 17:12 Aifly: I had him dead once but not enough health
- 17:13 Mitch: depends if he decides to be a swoopy boi or not
- 17:14 caauyjdp: i think this might be first seed for mw when i got full beam but didn't also get 30 supers
- 17:14 Mitch: the supers were elusive
- 17:15 Skyy: I only ended with 15 supers
- 17:15 caauyjdp: same
- 17:15 Skyy: I think paf didn't have time for more, but if anyone's up for another race I'm down. If we're doing chill a VH/Expert might be fun on technical
- 17:15 TCKLZ: was late to the party so asynced, 1:02:32
- 17:16 Skyy: or another hard of course too
- 17:17 Hassium8#2641 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:15:07!
- 17:18 caauyjdp: :eyes: at vh/expert
- 17:18 Skyy: I thought that might get your attention XD
- 17:20 Mitch#8052 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:18:10!
- 17:20 Mitch: ggs man i played early game so bad lol got every major too and charge was my last haha
- 17:21 Aifly: gg
- 17:21 Mitch: respect to who did it varialess
- 17:21 Aifly: 6+1 ridley is being mean
- 17:21 Mitch: he not pogoing?
- 17:21 Aifly: no alot
- 17:21 Aifly: I killed him twice but didnt have the health
- 17:21 TCKLZ: I just went and grabbed all those e-tanks in the pits
- 17:21 TCKLZ: because I suck at ridley lol
- 17:22 TCKLZ: think I was 7 +3
- 17:22 Mitch: yeah there was a lot of tanks to grab in nor/brin if you wanted
- 17:22 TCKLZ: I got hit a bunch of times and still won, I also had 30 sups too
- 17:22 Aifly: thats what I was going to do if this was a ranked race
- 17:22 Mitch: fair enough enjoy the challenge
- 17:23 TCKLZ: I thought about it but unless I missed something all the saves are somewhat far and I didn't feel like grinding it lol
- 17:23 TCKLZ: gl
- 17:23 Aifly: ship is like 30 seconds away
- 17:23 TCKLZ: ah, I blinded ship in escape, never went to crateria
- 17:34 Aifly: Lets go, got him with like 10 hp left
- 17:37 Mitch: nj
- 17:42 Aifly#4894 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:40:29!
- 17:42 Race finished in 1:40:29.4
- 17:43 Aifly: gg