- 1st Supersponge #2971 Finished 15
- 2nd BlackBambix #4915 he / him Finished 8
- 3rd paf #4057 Finished 5
- 4th HisBeardNis #0315 more Died to ridley with full beam minus plasma once xD. Finished 11
- 5th dataplet #7164 he / him more went back for fucking charge, fuck my life Finished 19
- 6th Aifly #4894 he / him more had to go back for charge, but finished with Spazer Wave and 15 supers Finished 19
- 7th FuwwetUwU #4232 Finished 27
- 8th Lunix(fake account) #5484 Finished 20
- 9th chozobozo86 #8126 he / they Finished 1
- 10th Oopla #5028 he / him Finished 189
- 11th Cruelbeans #1110 any / all Finished 14
- — Skyy #7198 DNF DNF 29
12 entrants
(1 inactive)