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- 18:30 Race opened automatically by Inertia
- 18:30 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 18:33 Oopla#5028 joins the race.
- 18:35 Osse101#7408 joins the race.
- 18:35 Nito_SM#9302 joins the race.
- 18:45 Oopla: hi
- 18:45 Oopla: just started stream with 10min delay
- 18:45 Oopla: do I need to turn on emote only ?
- 18:46 Nito: I don't think it's required
- 18:46 Osse101: You should; but its to protect you from someone coming into your chat and saying something
- 18:47 Nito: ^
- 18:47 Osse101: Closing chat is another option, but I don't know how we are verifying that
- 18:47 Oopla: k
- 18:48 Osse101:
- 18:48 Osse101#7408 quits the race.
- 18:50 Osse101: No restream, so start when you are ready
- 18:50 Osse101: I'm also quitting since I get easily distracted
- 18:52 Oopla: alcoon powamp puyo beetom
- 18:52 Nito: That's what I have too
- 18:52 Oopla: do we need to wait for our streams to start ?
- 18:53 Nito: Yeah once the streams are live we can ready up and then go
- 18:53 Nito_SM#9302 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:53 Osse101: yeah, can't ready without your stream online
- 18:53 Osse101: How far away is it?
- 18:53 Oopla: 100 seconds
- 18:53 Osse101#7408 sets a stream override for Oopla#5028.
- 18:55 Oopla: glhf
- 18:55 Nito: glhf!
- 18:55 Oopla#5028 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:55 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:55 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:45 Nito_SM#9302 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:49:44!
- 19:46 Nito: gg
- 19:46 Oopla#5028 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:46 Race finished in 0:51:03.1
- 19:46 Oopla: gg
- 06:24 Race result recorded by Eddie#4075