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- 13:15 SunWuFarmer#1930 joins the race.
- 13:15 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 13:15 SunWuFarmer#1930 updated the race information.
- 13:15 JDPhoenixGaming#2830 joins the race.
- 13:18 JDPhoenixGaming: Atomic Zeela Geemer Sciser
- 13:18 SunWuFarmer: yo good morning
- 13:18 JDPhoenixGaming: Good evening
- 13:18 SunWuFarmer: confirm
- 13:19 JDPhoenixGaming: So ice beam will be important here by the looks
- 13:20 SunWuFarmer: yes ice would be huge in this depending on where all the metroids are too , should be interesting
- 13:20 JDPhoenixGaming: Never done one like this so we'll see how we go
- 13:21 JDPhoenixGaming#2830 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:21 SunWuFarmer: same here alrighty Glhf ill ready up in one min
- 13:22 JDPhoenixGaming: Good luck
- 13:23 SunWuFarmer#1930 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 13:23 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 13:23 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:08 JDPhoenixGaming: I'm really lost now...
- 14:08 SunWuFarmer: me too lol
- 14:08 SunWuFarmer: this is a rough one
- 14:08 JDPhoenixGaming: Can we share considering it's unranked?
- 14:09 JDPhoenixGaming: Have you found supers yet?
- 14:09 SunWuFarmer: yes
- 14:10 JDPhoenixGaming: I haven't yet
- 14:11 SunWuFarmer: i went down into a softlock area to find them , still potentially softlocked not sure , was wondering if i missed something earlier
- 14:12 JDPhoenixGaming: Yeah I have done something similar and found a couple of things but I can't get back
- 14:12 SunWuFarmer: im like a few rooms away from eferthing i can think of
- 14:13 SunWuFarmer: omg
- 14:14 SunWuFarmer: i think i found it
- 14:14 JDPhoenixGaming: Lucky
- 14:14 JDPhoenixGaming: I'm trying something for sure but I have no idea lol
- 14:19 JDPhoenixGaming: We have progession!
- 14:20 SunWuFarmer: GGs lets go
- 14:25 JDPhoenixGaming: Supers!
- 14:47 SunWuFarmer#1930 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:24:16!
- 14:48 SunWuFarmer: GGs what a seed
- 14:58 JDPhoenixGaming#2830 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:34:39!
- 14:58 Race finished in 1:34:39.9
- 14:58 JDPhoenixGaming: GGs
- 14:58 JDPhoenixGaming: That was tough
- 14:58 JDPhoenixGaming: What was your eureka moment? What did you find?
- 14:59 SunWuFarmer: a way out ot Brin with supers went back to norfair
- 15:00 JDPhoenixGaming: Wow
- 15:00 SunWuFarmer: but it was rough , saw that WRIG lead to WS for grav , thats what it wanted grav before supers
- 15:02 SunWuFarmer: GGs
- 15:03 JDPhoenixGaming: Yeah that was my moment. I knew where speed and screw were but I was running out of options so I tried worst room and eventually found gravity and plasma
- 15:03 JDPhoenixGaming: Where did you grab supers?
- 15:06 SunWuFarmer: brin i think ]
- 15:07 JDPhoenixGaming: Results screen says Maridia and that's where I got mine
- 15:08 JDPhoenixGaming: Can you unlock the spoiler please? I kinda want to see this
- 15:08 SunWuFarmer: oh your right i see it now on the map prekraid room with the keyhunters
- 15:09 SunWuFarmer: of course
- 15:09 JDPhoenixGaming: Yeah that's what I grabbed as first supers
- 15:09 JDPhoenixGaming: Then hightailed it to grab speed and screw
- 15:10 JDPhoenixGaming: I had to double back in brinstar as I missed metroid room 2 down the bottom past wasteland đŸ˜”
- 15:11 JDPhoenixGaming: If I didn't do that I reckon I'd have been about 5 minutes behind instead of 10
- 15:11 JDPhoenixGaming: Plus Maridia was awful. I spent so much early game time looking and finding nothing until I tanked for the map
- 15:12 JDPhoenixGaming: And then I was even more confused lol
- 15:13 SunWuFarmer: oh that feels bad
- 15:14 SunWuFarmer: i just ran around alot after getting back to norfair
- 15:15 JDPhoenixGaming: I also did a logic check on lava dive room but that wasn't a thing with what we had
- 15:16 JDPhoenixGaming: Last resort was worst room as I had basically run out of checks
- 15:18 JDPhoenixGaming: Heatproof pirates kill in worst room is on basic with 20 missiles, 5 PBs, space jump, and varia. I wouldn't have known that.
- 15:19 JDPhoenixGaming: And 2 e-tanks
- 15:19 JDPhoenixGaming: So basically what we had
- 15:21 JDPhoenixGaming: Anyways GGs on the tough seed. Hopefully those ones don't show up in the tournament.
- 15:24 SunWuFarmer: cheers will be ready for them
- 15:24 SunWuFarmer: we"ll*