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- 01:49 Croakomire: what if we had a medium in here, since snake can chat still, just can't join the race, he could .done and then the medium actually presses the finish button as the second racer?
- 01:49 Croakomire: not sure who that'd be though, but it's my best idea
- 01:49 Snake1982: the race is mostly a formality
- 01:49 Snake1982: im just here to have fun
- 01:50 Snake1982: Ive done no preperation
- 01:50 Croakomire: me neither for week 2 :D
- 01:51 Snake1982: uno momento
- 01:54 Warning: this race will be automatically cancelled in 5 minutes unless at least two entrants join.
- 01:54 cemo: if you remove streaming required or something is he able to join
- 01:54 Croakomire: mm2 says the issue might be your twitch
- 01:54 Streaming is now NOT required for this race.
- 01:54 Snake1982#8495 joins the race.
- 01:54 Croakomire: aha
- 01:54 Snake1982: OH BABY
- 01:54 Croakomire: that's a work around
- 01:54 Snake1982: Im in
- 01:55 cemo: neat
- 01:55 Snake1982: i took an educated guess
- 01:55 Snake1982: good thought cemo
- 01:55 Croakomire: thanks cemo
- 01:55 Snake1982: yes thanks
- 01:55 cemo: was it that or did you do something else
- 01:55 mm2nescartridge: snake rq did you create a new racetime account for this tournament?
- 01:55 Snake1982: i tried a different email address
- 01:56 Snake1982: I just have a different # on the account
- 01:56 Snake1982: Im not sure if this is the one I had registered for the tournament
- 01:56 Snake1982: Im almost positive this is another account I had previously made
- 01:56 Snake1982: like cemo said
- 01:57 mm2nescartridge: so you're saying this is the same account you've used in the past, like for tournaments like sgl 2020?
- 01:57 mm2nescartridge: i remember racing you in that on racetime
- 01:57 Snake1982: Yea I dont remember really
- 01:57 Snake1982: LUL
- 01:57 cemo: ah yeah, try to find the other account for next time
- 01:57 Snake1982: I remember us racing
- 01:57 mm2nescartridge: ok
- 01:57 mm2nescartridge: i think the issue is that this racetime account and the other racetime account you have used share the same twitch
- 01:57 Snake1982: np I can just unlink my channel from this one I think
- 01:57 mm2nescartridge: and racetime doesn't like that
- 01:58 mm2nescartridge: no don't unlink it yet, mess with stuff after the race
- 01:58 Snake1982: ok
- 01:58 Croakomire: ^
- 01:58 Snake1982: you got it
- 01:58 Croakomire: alright, everything solved for now, seed time?
- 01:58 Croakomire: !variarace Multi_Category_Randomizer_Week_2 Season_Races
- 01:58 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 01:58 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:58 SahasrahBot:
- 01:58 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:59 mm2nescartridge: assuming both of you have delay, yall are good to go for today
- 01:59 Croakomire: awesome
- 01:59 Croakomire: holtz geruta evir boyon?
- 02:00 mm2nescartridge: snake, i don't think you have delay set
- 02:01 mm2nescartridge: yeah
- 02:01 mm2nescartridge: snake you don't have delay set
- 02:01 mm2nescartridge#4793 joins the race.
- 02:01 mm2nescartridge: im gonna gatekeep so yall dont start without snake's delay
- 02:01 Croakomire: good idea
- 02:01 mm2nescartridge: Snake1982 you don't have delay set
- 02:01 Snake1982: yea shoot sorry
- 02:01 Snake1982: ill fix it
- 02:01 mm2nescartridge: cool
- 02:02 Snake1982: I think I did something wrong
- 02:02 Snake1982: I jsut have a date at the title screen
- 02:03 Croakomire: ?
- 02:03 Snake1982: I dont see the seed pass phrase either
- 02:04 Snake1982: at the profile menu
- 02:04 mm2nescartridge: oh
- 02:04 mm2nescartridge: that's on the start game screen
- 02:04 mm2nescartridge: not the title screen
- 02:04 Snake1982: right I dont have that
- 02:04 mm2nescartridge: no i mean, when the first thing on your list of options is START GAME
- 02:04 mm2nescartridge: that screen has the hash
- 02:05 Snake1982: Holtz Geruda evir buyon?
- 02:05 Croakomire: yeh
- 02:05 Snake1982: geruta
- 02:05 Snake1982: lul
- 02:06 Snake1982: kk
- 02:06 Snake1982#8495 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:06 mm2nescartridge#4793 quits the race.
- 02:06 mm2nescartridge: glhf yall
- 02:06 Croakomire: thanks mm2 :D
- 02:06 Croakomire: glhf
- 02:06 Croakomire#6474 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:06 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:06 mm2nescartridge: np
- 02:06 Snake1982: ty gl
- 02:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:17 Snake1982#8495 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:17 Snake1982: gg
- 03:18 Croakomire: gg
- 04:01 Croakomire#6474 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:55:05!
- 04:01 Race finished in 1:55:05.5
- 04:01 Croakomire#6474 added a comment.
- 04:08 Race result recorded by TracieM#6711