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- 04:55 JDPhoenixGaming#2830 joins the race.
- 04:55 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 04:56 JDPhoenixGaming:
- 04:57 GalenMarek1988#5908 joins the race.
- 04:58 JDPhoenixGaming: Zoa Holtz Holtz Rinka
- 04:59 JDPhoenixGaming#2830 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:59 GalenMarek1988: I'll be ready in 5
- 04:59 JDPhoenixGaming: Ok
- 05:04 GalenMarek1988: hash confirmed
- 05:04 GalenMarek1988: ready?
- 05:04 JDPhoenixGaming: Glhf
- 05:04 GalenMarek1988: gl, hf
- 05:04 GalenMarek1988#5908 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 05:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 05:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 05:29 JDPhoenixGaming#2830 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:24:15!
- 05:29 JDPhoenixGaming: GGs
- 05:31 GalenMarek1988#5908 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:26:50!
- 05:31 Race finished in 0:26:50.9
- 05:31 GalenMarek1988: gg
- 05:32 JDPhoenixGaming: Nearly thought it was going to be under 10 minutes with that start lol
- 05:33 GalenMarek1988: same. but little did we know there was 3 objectives in 1 region, then the hunt for last
- 05:33 GalenMarek1988: i found MB early, but a couple loadbacks set me back
- 05:34 JDPhoenixGaming: Yeah I saved after the 3 in Crateria, found MB, then reset back to the save and just went down from there
- 05:34 GalenMarek1988: i think i saved twice entirely LOL. once after the kraid kill, once at the ship
- 05:35 GalenMarek1988: well played there JD
- 05:35 JDPhoenixGaming: Cheers same to you
- 05:35 JDPhoenixGaming: I saved 3 times
- 05:35 JDPhoenixGaming: Same 2 as you plus one more I think in Tourian
- 05:35 GalenMarek1988: lol, thats awesome
- 05:35 JDPhoenixGaming: What was your pause time?
- 05:36 GalenMarek1988: oh shoot, idk
- 05:36 GalenMarek1988: i need to pay attention to that
- 05:36 GalenMarek1988: but theres a reason i stream, so i can go back & look LOL
- 05:37 GalenMarek1988: 2m01s
- 05:39 JDPhoenixGaming: Nice! I dropped mine in the race spoilers channel and tagged you
- 05:39 JDPhoenixGaming: 1m36s
- 05:39 GalenMarek1988: solid
- 05:39 JDPhoenixGaming: Helped that the path to the last was fairly linear
- 05:40 GalenMarek1988: fairly. i dont think the seed as a whole was tho, bc had to backtrack to MB
- 05:40 GalenMarek1988: xD
- 05:41 JDPhoenixGaming: That backtrack felt like so long. I short cutted through spore spawn in norfair as I felt the other way would take too long
- 05:41 GalenMarek1988: thats funny! i did too lol
- 05:41 GalenMarek1988: i couldnt fast kill kraid
- 05:41 GalenMarek1988: so, the 2 loadbacks + slow kraid kill set me back a bit
- 05:41 GalenMarek1988: could have been a 20m seed i think
- 05:41 JDPhoenixGaming: Neither can I. 2 supers at the start then a charged plasma beam to the face when he stood up.
- 05:42 GalenMarek1988: its a hit & miss for me, fast killing kraid lol
- 05:42 GalenMarek1988: sometimes i can, other times i cant
- 05:42 JDPhoenixGaming: Same. Have only ever done it twice. Can't seem to find the right timing
- 05:43 GalenMarek1988: mouth has to be open a certain way, then short jump twice, fire a super as you rise & as you fall
- 05:43 GalenMarek1988: i got the concept down, but sometimes i fire the supers early