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- 20:59 Race opened automatically by workrobot
- 20:59 workrobot: The race will start in 30 minutes. A seed will be rolled 15 minutes before the start.
- 21:00 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 21:00 Kyzentun#5103 joins the race.
- 21:04 crazdgamer#4360 joins the race.
- 21:04 wjg999: o/
- 21:04 wjg999: crazdgamer are you ok with being restreamed?
- 21:10 crazdgamer: yeah thats fine
- 21:14 gamerX459#2857 joins the race.
- 21:14 workrobot: Generating seed, please wait...
- 21:15 workrobot: (POWAMP SCISER HOLTZ PUYO)
- 21:15 workrobot updated the race information.
- 21:16 diggidiggidang#2479 joins the race.
- 21:18 badatmetroid#9387 joins the race.
- 21:19 badatmetroid: feels like I haven't played area rando without the new map patch in ages.
- 21:20 wjg999: will everyones audio be usable?
- 21:21 crazdgamer: yes
- 21:22 badatmetroid: yes
- 21:22 gamerX459: yes
- 21:22 diggidiggidang: yy
- 21:24 kupppo: i might join if it’s okay to push the race back a few minutes
- 21:24 crazdgamer#4360 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:24 Thorneto#8247 joins the race.
- 21:24 badatmetroid#9387 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:24 Kyzentun: Bot will automatically push it back 5 minutes if someone isn't ready at the time.
- 21:24 Kyzentun#5103 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:24 workrobot: The race will start in 5 minutes.
- 21:25 kupppo#8601 joins the race.
- 21:26 Thorneto: No audio if on restream please
- 21:26 wjg999: ok
- 21:26 Thorneto#8247 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:27 diggidiggidang#2479 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:28 gamerX459#2857 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:28 workrobot: The race will start in 1 minute.
- 21:29 badatmetroid: In case people haven't noticed, it's area and boss shuffle and also not a beta seed (no fancy in game area tracker)
- 21:29 kupppo: is the varia site being really slow for anyone else?
- 21:29 badatmetroid: not that I noticed
- 21:29 Thorneto: didnt give me any issues
- 21:29 workrobot: @unready please ready
- 21:29 workrobot: The race will start in 5 minutes. Entrants who are not ready will be removed.
- 21:31 kupppo: it looks like the jquery cdn isn't resolving
- 21:31 kupppo: so the page doesn't load
- 21:31 diggidiggidang: i can just dm u the seed..
- 21:31 diggidiggidang: or wut
- 21:32 kupppo: if you could on discord, that would be awesome
- 21:32 diggidiggidang: ur tag?
- 21:32 badatmetroid: kupppo#1255
- 21:33 kupppo: nevermind, i'm just gonna sit it out. i'm not gonna be ready in time
- 21:33 kupppo: sorry for holding it up
- 21:33 diggidiggidang: oki
- 21:33 kupppo#8601 quits the race.
- 21:33 badatmetroid: You'll be missed
- 21:33 badatmetroid: glhf everyone
- 21:34 wjg999: GL
- 21:34 wjg999: HF
- 21:34 wjg999: DONT FORGET TO SAVE
- 21:34 wjg999: and dont forget the settings
- 21:34 workrobot has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:35 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:41 gamerX459#2857 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:41 gamerX459: something came up..i gotta bounce sry
- 21:41 wjg999: ok
- 21:48 gamerX459: good luck to every1 else..gotta run to the food store
- 22:43 Kyzentun#5103 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:08:01!
- 22:43 wjg999: GG
- 22:43 Kyzentun: GG
- 22:49 Thorneto#8247 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:14:30!
- 22:49 wjg999: GG
- 22:49 Thorneto: gg
- 22:49 badatmetroid: ggs
- 22:51 diggidiggidang: ive made a mistake
- 22:51 diggidiggidang: xD
- 22:51 badatmetroid: D:
- 22:52 Kyzentun: Just xray climb.
- 22:52 diggidiggidang: yea
- 22:52 badatmetroid: x-ray climb the chute shoot!
- 22:53 diggidiggidang#2479 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:55 badatmetroid#9387 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:20:29!
- 22:55 wjg999: GG
- 22:55 badatmetroid: gg
- 22:58 crazdgamer#4360 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:23:08!
- 22:58 Race finished in 1:23:08.7
- 22:58 wjg999: GG
- 22:58 crazdgamer: gg
- 23:33 Race result recorded by Nasarius#3292