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- 17:00 Tilimorf#9649 joins the race.
- 17:00 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 17:01 Tilimorf#9649 updated the race information.
- 17:01 Tilimorf:
- 17:01 caauyjdp#5547 joins the race.
- 17:01 Tilimorf: o/
- 17:02 Tilimorf: want to check the rando settings just in case?
- 17:04 caauyjdp: seems correct, but i wouldn't mind anything else above ahrd either
- 17:05 Tilimorf: I'll probably be ok with moving to expert soon
- 17:07 FuwwetUwU: how long you gonna wait?
- 17:07 Tilimorf: idk how long we want to wait but I
- 17:07 Tilimorf: lol um
- 17:07 FuwwetUwU#4232 joins the race.
- 17:07 Tilimorf: I'm fine to wait like 20 minutes?
- 17:08 Tilimorf: but can also start sooner if others are ready
- 17:08 FuwwetUwU: yeah I gotta setup my stuff rq
- 17:08 Tilimorf: start at xx:30
- 17:08 Tilimorf: ?
- 17:08 FuwwetUwU: im down yeah
- 17:09 caauyjdp: i'm fine with waiting
- 17:11 Cruelbeans: Sorry guys I won't be able to this one
- 17:11 caauyjdp: aww :(
- 17:12 Cruelbeans: things are taking longer than expected
- 17:12 Tilimorf: no problem
- 17:12 Cruelbeans: making msu's is a pretty tough process to get all of them made
- 17:13 Tilimorf: we could maybe start a bit sooner than ? if we're all ready
- 17:15 Cruelbeans: oh nice you're streaming I can watch while doing these
- 17:15 caauyjdp: fine with me. inba someone complains starting before 20mins pass
- 17:15 Tilimorf: lol
- 17:17 Tilimorf: Sove Sciser Zoa Scisesr?
- 17:17 Tilimorf: Sova
- 17:18 caauyjdp: confirmed
- 17:20 Tilimorf: I'm not in a rush so am fine to still wait the final 10 minutes :P
- 17:26 asheevee_: gl on this one-- just went through all the VH tech and i am not good enough for the majority of it just yet
- 17:26 FuwwetUwU: thanks, keep on it and youll be racing vh soon
- 17:26 Tilimorf: np. it is a chill race in case you're interested in giving it a shot
- 17:27 Tilimorf: but yeah
- 17:27 Tilimorf: keep racing and you'll be there in no time! :D
- 17:27 FuwwetUwU: I cant find my keyboard cable
- 17:28 FuwwetUwU: guess ill be racing on bluetooth
- 17:28 Tilimorf: oof. GL
- 17:29 FuwwetUwU#4232 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:29 FuwwetUwU: glhf
- 17:29 Tilimorf#9649 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:29 Tilimorf: GL HF :S
- 17:29 Tilimorf: :D
- 17:29 caauyjdp: hfgl
- 17:29 caauyjdp#5547 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:29 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:29 Cruelbeans: Gl guys!
- 17:29 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:52 BlackBambix: hey guys .. is anyone up for an expert/technical after this race?
- 17:53 caauyjdp: depends how long this one takes. if it's less than 2h, i'm tempted
- 17:53 FuwwetUwU: if I can find my keyboard cable
- 17:54 FuwwetUwU: not doing expert with input delay
- 18:20 caauyjdp#5547 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:50:35!
- 18:20 Tilimorf: gg
- 18:21 FuwwetUwU: gg
- 18:21 FuwwetUwU: good seed I like his one
- 18:21 Tilimorf: I had to restart
- 18:21 Tilimorf: lol
- 18:21 caauyjdp: too jet, good maps. not my kind of seed
- 18:22 Tilimorf: bad maps
- 18:22 Tilimorf: went down
- 18:22 Tilimorf: soft locked
- 18:22 caauyjdp: you have to be aware of taco crumbles
- 18:22 Tilimorf: that was fine
- 18:22 FuwwetUwU: i straight skipped that map
- 18:22 Tilimorf: I mean
- 18:22 Tilimorf: everest
- 18:23 FuwwetUwU: that map is kinda useless
- 19:03 Tilimorf#9649 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:33:39!
- 19:03 caauyjdp: ggs
- 19:03 Tilimorf: gg
- 19:03 Tilimorf: I reset to start as you finished LUL
- 19:04 Tilimorf: this should have been such a fast seed
- 19:04 caauyjdp: cool ammo managment start :p
- 19:05 FuwwetUwU: gg
- 19:05 Tilimorf#9649 added a comment.
- 19:06 caauyjdp: woah, that was full reset Oo step 1 item at like 52mins :p
- 19:06 caauyjdp: (watching your stream atm)
- 19:06 FuwwetUwU#4232 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:36:36!
- 19:06 Race finished in 1:36:36.4
- 19:06 Tilimorf: GG!
- 19:06 caauyjdp: gg
- 19:06 FuwwetUwU: first vh with the bluetooth keyboard
- 19:07 Tilimorf: nice
- 19:07 FuwwetUwU: not too bad actually