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- 02:23 Ehseezed#7824 joins the race.
- 02:31 CrazyComics#4077 requests to join the race.
- 02:31 Ehseezed#7824 accepts a request to join from CrazyComics#4077.
- 02:32 CrazyComics: sup
- 02:34 Ehseezed: nothing much
- 02:34 Ehseezed: How are you this fine evening
- 02:34 CrazyComics: ok. I have to leave to go to the airport at 3:30 tonight
- 02:35 Ehseezed: thats rough
- 02:36 CrazyComics: yeah so no sleep just chilling
- 02:39 Ehseezed: Im working on a scuffed restream since we do not have a SG restream
- 02:39 CrazyComics: gotcha
- 02:49 James_KT#1832 requests to join the race.
- 02:50 Tonberry James: o.o;;
- 02:50 Tonberry James: I can't believe I could've fallen asleep
- 02:50 CrazyComics: I can't fall asleep. I gotta leave for the airport in 3 and a half hours
- 02:50 Ehseezed#7824 accepts a request to join from James_KT#1832.
- 02:51 Ehseezed: so we are gonna have a sleepy match?
- 02:51 CrazyComics: very sleepy match. Many mistakes
- 02:52 Ehseezed: nah this is a 25 min seed tops
- 02:52 CrazyComics: good
- 02:52 Tonberry James: Shoot
- 02:52 Tonberry James: My tracker has gone borderless again
- 02:53 Tonberry James: Why does this happen now @.@
- 02:55 Tonberry James: ._.
- 02:56 Tonberry James: It's gonna be one of those last second races probably
- 02:57 CrazyComics: probably
- 02:58 Tonberry James: I seriously woke up 2 minutes ago so I'm on full alert now. ._.;;;
- 02:58 Tonberry James: Bleh
- 02:59 Ehseezed: sorry im runnign a bit slow these SGL pelpe are very efficent
- 02:59 Tonberry James: Alright
- 03:01 Ehseezed: 74A9D88C001CBF89
- 03:01 Tonberry James: Just wondering where the restream is happening at this point 'cause that hasn't been updated iirc
- 03:01 Ehseezed#7824 updated the race information.
- 03:01 Ehseezed: I'm doing the restream
- 03:02 Tonberry James: Gotcha
- 03:02 CrazyComics#4077 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 03:02 James_KT#1832 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:04 Tonberry James: Hashes all good?
- 03:06 Ehseezed: looks good I just got adds on Crazy comics side
- 03:06 CrazyComics: yeah. It'll be done here in a minute and a half
- 03:07 Tonberry James: I'm just working on urgency now. Yep. Pure urgency. ._.;
- 03:07 Tonberry James: I'll get things right eventually
- 03:07 CrazyComics: gotta make that twitch money somehow
- 03:07 Ehseezed: no worries
- 03:08 Ehseezed: both set?
- 03:08 CrazyComics: yep
- 03:08 Tonberry James: Yeah. Last time I'll be typing here so I don't need to adjust my desktop more.
- 03:08 Ehseezed: dropping gates in 15 seconds
- 03:08 Ehseezed#7824 quits the race.
- 03:08 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:09 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:55 James_KT#1832 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:46:25!
- 03:58 CrazyComics#4077 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:49:16!
- 03:58 Race finished in 0:49:16.1
- 03:59 Tonberry James: What a seed
- 03:59 CrazyComics: zoom
- 04:00 CrazyComics: If I had just thought to do vanilla ts, I probably would have won
- 04:00 Ehseezed: crazy if you want to join hangout with james and I
- 04:00 CrazyComics: yeah