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- 23:26 Llama#7440 joins the race.
- 23:29 Planeswater#6664 joins the race.
- 23:30 UrzaMTG#0217 joins the race.
- 23:30 Llama: LEGENDARY
- 23:30 Planeswater: Hello! GL GL
- 23:30 UrzaMTG: I have spent the last 15 minutes reviewing boss weaknesses
- 23:30 Planeswater: LEGENDARY
- 23:30 LillySpikes: ah beat me to it
- 23:30 UrzaMTG: LEGENDARY
- 23:31 Llama: i'm on the case
- 23:32 Llama: weff said i could uwu
- 23:33 LillySpikes: k, means I'm finally free
- 23:33 LillySpikes: good luck tonight
- 23:33 Llama: you're freeeeee
- 23:34 Llama: my cat tj came in and yelled so it's going to be a blessed seed
- 23:34 UrzaMTG: TEEJ
- 23:34 UrzaMTG: I knew he loved me
- 23:34 Llama: he says "miaaaaa"
- 23:35 UrzaMTG: My randomizer: pre-loaded. My nerves: pre-jittered.
- 23:36 Llama: preheat them ovens
- 23:42 UrzaMTG: The lights are on 👀
- 23:42 Planeswater: same. Oven preheated
- 23:42 UrzaMTG: I saw you turn yours on so I had to turn mine on
- 23:42 Llama: time to vibrate out of existence due to anxiety, runners
- 23:42 UrzaMTG: The tensionnnnnn
- 23:43 UrzaMTG: If I vibrate out of existence Lunais will put me back
- 23:43 Llama: "where the heck you think you're goin"
- 23:46 weffjebster: hiyee
- 23:46 UrzaMTG: ohai
- 23:46 UrzaMTG: Welcome to LEGENDARY
- 23:46 weffjebster: MUDKIP
- 23:46 Planeswater: yo, have fun in comms
- 23:46 weffjebster: certainly will!
- 23:47 Llama: power couple lobster
- 23:47 UrzaMTG: OK so who's rolling the first seed (me already assuming this is gonna go to second/third match)
- 23:47 Llama: i got one done
- 23:47 Llama: weff can have the second one if we get there
- 23:48 UrzaMTG: Ravenlord is weak to fire, light, and shark, and resists dark
- 23:48 UrzaMTG: Got it
- 23:48 UrzaMTG: ...shark
- 23:48 Llama: shark
- 23:48 Planeswater: sharks kill birds :notes:
- 23:48 UrzaMTG: sharp, shark, same thing
- 23:50 UrzaMTG: Oh right, how did I fail to respond correctly, good luck to you as well Planeswater
- 23:50 UrzaMTG: Brain errywhere
- 23:50 Planeswater: Best of luck!
- 23:50 Planeswater: If I can get to game 2, I'll be happy
- 23:50 UrzaMTG: Fair
- 23:51 UrzaMTG: I assume we will do some comms in between if that happens? Or do we hold off to the end
- 23:51 weffjebster: we hold off
- 23:51 Llama: we hold off ithink
- 23:52 UrzaMTG: mmkay
- 23:52 Llama: we'll make another gg room for you
- 23:52 weffjebster: we will also get a second racetime room
- 23:54 Llama: 63B3C4CC001CBF89
- 23:54 Llama: i like this one because there's a lot of C's in it
- 23:54 weffjebster: !hint Security Keycard C
- 23:55 Planeswater: meyef/griffin??? drumstick, djinns, file, pendant
- 23:55 UrzaMTG: Feathers, drumstick, djinn inferno, folder, necklace
- 23:55 Planeswater: what are these icons
- 23:55 UrzaMTG: Why can't I equip every bird at once
- 23:55 UrzaMTG: This suggests I should be able to
- 23:56 Llama: do we have a icon confirm planeswater?
- 23:56 Planeswater: yup they match
- 23:56 Llama: my bad, didn't see the earlier stuff
- 23:56 Planeswater: close enough descriptions
- 23:56 UrzaMTG: Yep
- 23:57 UrzaMTG: My stomach dropped as soon as I realized "I am ready to click Ready"
- 23:57 Planeswater#6664 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:57 UrzaMTG#0217 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:58 Llama: on the hour dropping
- 00:00 Llama#7440 quits the race.
- 00:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:55 Planeswater#6664 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:55:02!
- 00:58 UrzaMTG#0217 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:58 Race finished in 0:57:49.8
- 00:58 UrzaMTG: Was the last gear underwater?
- 00:58 UrzaMTG: GG
- 00:58 weffjebster: dad tower
- 00:58 Planeswater: lower emperor's tower
- 00:58 UrzaMTG: Oh geez
- 00:58 UrzaMTG: I haven't even gotten through lab
- 00:58 UrzaMTG: Or even started it