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- 22:59 Llama#7440 joins the race.
- 23:02 Planeswater#6664 joins the race.
- 23:03 Llama: reliable bobomb...
- 23:04 Planeswater: they are reliable at 1 thing and 1 thing only
- 23:05 JimTheEternal: o/
- 23:05 UrzaMTG#0217 joins the race.
- 23:05 UrzaMTG: Are they even reliable at doing that though
- 23:05 Llama: you kick them and they stop to think about it
- 23:07 Planeswater: also hi! Hope it's a fun race
- 23:08 Llama: no pressure
- 23:08 UrzaMTG: Same, this should be good either way
- 23:08 UrzaMTG: No pressure, she says
- 23:08 UrzaMTG: As if I haven't been freaking out for a week
- 23:08 Planeswater: some pressure
- 23:08 Planeswater: sorry if that was too far from the previous match
- 23:08 UrzaMTG: Oh no, that was my fault, busy week
- 23:08 Llama: if you lose you still get another chance at the top you just have to defeat the developer of the game nbd
- 23:09 UrzaMTG: I mean, i already did
- 23:09 Llama: again
- 23:09 UrzaMTG: No matter what happens tonight, my next match is against someone I already played
- 23:11 UrzaMTG: Who's rolling seed tonight?
- 23:11 Llama: me
- 23:11 Llama: :3c
- 23:11 UrzaMTG: Alright I'll prepare for early jumpless ravenlord
- 23:12 UrzaMTG: Also, free tip from my practice yesterday: don't have scythe ring equipped in military hangar!
- 23:13 Planeswater: oh, proccing the knights' shields? Lol
- 23:13 UrzaMTG: I was trying to use sash to get to the bombers and they kept exploding!
- 23:13 Planeswater: oooh lmao
- 23:13 UrzaMTG: And I died! And lost 10 minutes!
- 23:13 Llama: lmaooo
- 23:13 Llama: whoopsiedoodle
- 23:13 UrzaMTG: Every loss a lesson
- 23:13 Llama: don't forget to preheat your ovens (preload a seed)
- 23:14 UrzaMTG: Indeed
- 23:23 UrzaMTG: The intensity of my waiting cannot be understated
- 23:24 Planeswater: I've been running back and forth to try to keep myself busy
- 23:25 Planeswater: """busy"""
- 23:25 UrzaMTG: I've been stretching, at least one of bones doesn't feel quite right
- 23:25 UrzaMTG: I blame nerves
- 23:25 Planeswater: I need to remember not to accidentally stop livesplit as the race starts like last week lol
- 23:25 UrzaMTG: Woop
- 23:26 Planeswater: it's synced to racetime! I don't have to touch it!
- 23:26 UrzaMTG: Oh dang, nice
- 23:26 UrzaMTG: I'm too scared to try it, haha
- 23:27 Planeswater: yeah maybe not right now if you haven't before
- 23:27 Llama: 69983B92001CBF89
- 23:27 Planeswater: but as long as no weird errors pop up, should be good
- 23:27 UrzaMTG: Nice
- 23:27 Llama: starting with 69 nice
- 23:28 Planeswater: chaos rose, sun ring, bleak, brooch, eternal coat
- 23:28 UrzaMTG: chaos rose, sun ring, bleak ring, brooch, eternal coat
- 23:28 Planeswater: nice lol
- 23:28 Llama: small technical problems... please stand by
- 23:28 UrzaMTG: mmkay
- 23:29 UrzaMTG#0217 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:29 Planeswater#6664 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:29 UrzaMTG: Good luck, have fun!
- 23:29 JimTheEternal: glhf!
- 23:29 Planeswater: gl hf!
- 23:30 Llama: i think we fixed it... just a bit more
- 23:32 Llama: dropping gate
- 23:32 Llama#7440 quits the race.
- 23:32 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:32 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:20 UrzaMTG#0217 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:47:55!
- 00:24 Planeswater#6664 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:51:26!
- 00:24 Race finished in 0:51:27.1
- 00:26 UrzaMTG: gg