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- 18:29 Cubsrule21#2508 joins the race.
- 18:30 Cubsrule21#2508 invites Aloakirby#1061 to join the race.
- 18:30 Cubsrule21#2508 invites EJ125#0539 to join the race.
- 18:31 EJ125#0539 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:31 Cubsrule21: o/
- 18:31 EJ125: .random ######
- 18:31 Random string result: 294421
- 18:32 EJ125: hi
- 18:33 Aloakirby: hi
- 18:35 Cubsrule21: yo
- 18:36 Cubsrule21: kirby if you can join the room when you get a chance, I think we're good
- 18:36 Cubsrule21: assuming you both have clean audio
- 18:37 Aloakirby#1061 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:37 Aloakirby: I will have clean audio
- 18:39 EJ125: me too
- 18:42 Cubsrule21: aight, sounds good :)
- 18:57 EJ125#0539 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:00 Aloakirby: is autostart off?
- 19:01 EJ125: either way dont think it will start since cubs is in the room, but maybe wait anyways
- 19:02 Cubsrule21: you can ready
- 19:02 Cubsrule21: i'll gatekeep
- 19:02 Aloakirby: ok
- 19:02 Aloakirby#1061 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:04 Cubsrule21: glhf :)
- 19:04 Cubsrule21#2508 quits the race.
- 19:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:04 EJ125: gl
- 19:05 Aloakirby: gl hf
- 20:21 Aloakirby#1061 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:17:04!
- 20:22 EJ125#0539 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:22 Race finished in 1:17:31.2
- 20:22 Cubsrule21: gg
- 20:22 Cubsrule21: wanna take a short break between games?
- 20:22 EJ125: im fine with just going straight into it
- 20:23 Aloakirby: same we can go
- 20:23 Cubsrule21: ok - will make another room. will be a short change over on the restream side
- 20:23 Cubsrule21: like 3-5 min or so
- 20:23 Cubsrule21: because new coms
- 20:25 Cubsrule21:
- 20:27 Cubsrule21: hoip in the new room when you get a chance kirby
- 01:29 Race result recorded by EJ125#0539