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- 16:28 Kitcot#1453 joins the race.
- 16:30 Crain#0315 joins the race.
- 16:31 Kitcot: o/
- 16:31 Crain: o/
- 16:31 Crain: Thanks for be able to push it back an hour. It let me actually set up a less scuff stream.
- 16:31 CrystalBellis: Imagine being bri'ish
- 16:31 Crain: Crystal play
- 16:31 Kitcot: Crystal o/
- 16:31 Crain: Gotta get ready for SGL
- 16:32 CrystalBellis: I'm not sure if I can go to the in person sgl
- 16:32 Crain: ..
- 16:32 Crain: You wut
- 16:32 CrystalBellis: I need to see what I have in terms of having time off
- 16:33 CrystalBellis: But hmmmm
- 16:33 Crain: Sadge
- 16:33 CrystalBellis: Do I want to play
- 16:33 Kitcot: yes
- 16:33 Crain: Yes
- 16:33 Crain: brb
- 16:33 CrystalBellis: oh
- 16:33 CrystalBellis#1001 joins the race.
- 16:35 CrystalBellis: oh wait, I need to eat lunch KEKW
- 16:35 CrystalBellis#1001 quits the race.
- 16:36 CrystalBellis: If I come back in time I'll play but feel like you need to wait for me
- 16:39 Crain: I feel like we need to wait for Crystal
- 16:39 Crain: She did explicitly say that.
- 16:39 Kitcot: She did say that indeed
- 16:40 Kitcot: (although starting quite a bit later than 12 ET might get uncomfortable for me, just gonna put that out there)
- 16:42 Crain: Since it's 10 AM for me... I can't complain
- 16:45 Kitcot: !rollseed
- 16:45 tww-rando-bot: Rolling seed...
- 16:45 tww-rando-bot: Permalink: MS4xMC4wAEtpdGNvdHB4bVhOclFBQVkAFQMiAJPowAMMsACCcQ8AAMkHAQAA
- 16:45 tww-rando-bot: Seed Hash: Morth Dampa
- 16:45 tww-rando-bot updated the race information.
- 16:49 Crain#0315 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:50 Kitcot: i'm currently ready but i'll at least wait until xx:00 just incase DJ can show up last minute
- 16:51 Crain: Is autostart enabled?
- 16:51 Kitcot: it is but I can disable it
- 16:51 Crain: eh, whatever works for you
- 16:54 DJGUAP0#6592 joins the race.
- 16:54 DJGUAP0: o/
- 16:54 Kitcot: o/
- 16:54 Crain: o/
- 16:54 Crain: DRC FW FF Seed right?
- 16:54 Crain: Non of that ToTG nonsense
- 16:57 Kitcot#1453 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:00 Kitcot: DJ whats your ETA on starting?
- 17:01 DJGUAP0: ready you guys?
- 17:01 Kitcot: ye
- 17:02 DJGUAP0: ok
- 17:02 DJGUAP0#6592 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:02 Kitcot: glhf
- 17:02 DJGUAP0: GLHF
- 17:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:34 DJGUAP0#6592 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:31:52!
- 18:34 Kitcot: gg
- 18:34 Crain: gg
- 18:34 DJGUAP0: gg
- 18:37 Kitcot#1453 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:35:08!
- 18:39 DJGUAP0#6592 added a comment.
- 18:54 Kitcot#1453 added a comment.
- 19:02 Crain#0315 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:00:28!
- 19:02 Race finished in 2:00:28.3
- 19:03 Kitcot: gg
- 19:03 Crain: gg
- 19:03 Crain: Ends up you shouldn't load the wrong seed and forget to check the seed hash :)
- 19:06 Crain#0315 added a comment.
- 22:50 Race result recorded by Advocate#8273