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- 18:21 Tomomodachi#9642 invites Kitcot#1453 to join the race.
- 18:21 Tomomodachi#9642 invites Spytron#2875 to join the race.
- 18:22 Kitcot#1453 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:22 Kitcot: o/
- 18:22 Tomomodachi: o/
- 18:23 JDude411: o/
- 18:29 Tomomodachi: Waiting on spy, will generate seed at xx:35
- 18:29 Tomomodachi: Any RAs though?
- 18:29 Spytron#2875 accepts an invitation to join.
- 18:30 Kitcot: no RAs
- 18:30 Tomomodachi: and will you both have clean audio?
- 18:30 Kitcot: I will yes
- 18:30 Spytron: ye
- 18:30 Spytron: which channel
- 18:30 Tomomodachi: main
- 18:34 Spytron: im so gonna lose
- 18:34 Spytron: have not been playing this game at all man lmao
- 18:35 Tomomodachi: !rollseed s6
- 18:35 tww-rando-bot: Rolling seed...
- 18:35 tww-rando-bot: Permalink: MS4xMC4wAFRvbW9tb2RhY2hpQXJNcUhjTk1VcAAXAyIAc+jCAwywAIJxDwAAyQcAAAA=
- 18:35 tww-rando-bot: Seed Hash: Sam Niko
- 18:35 tww-rando-bot updated the race information.
- 18:36 Tomomodachi: remember to start building your delay by xx:40
- 18:40 Spytron: also
- 18:40 Spytron: since when have you been a restreamer momo
- 18:40 Tomomodachi: last week
- 18:40 Spytron: nice
- 18:40 Tomomodachi: this is my first official restream
- 18:41 Spytron: honored
- 18:41 Spytron: momo's the best
- 18:41 Tomomodachi: :D
- 18:48 Spytron#2875 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:49 Spytron: good luck kitkot ^^
- 18:49 JDude411: glhf gaymers :D
- 18:49 Spytron: i mispelled his name
- 18:49 Spytron: crap
- 18:49 Spytron: krap
- 18:49 Kitcot: good luck cpytron ^^
- 18:49 Tomomodachi: sending you guys off at xx:50
- 18:49 Tomomodachi: once you are both ready
- 18:49 Kitcot#1453 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:50 Kitcot: glhf
- 18:50 Tomomodachi#9642 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:50 Tomomodachi: glhf
- 18:50 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:53 TreZc0_: At this rate, i might as well not bother putting out stream setting guidelines for tournament are not new to this. So I all i can say at this rate: Thank you, you are not just hurting the audience, but you are actively making this stressful for volunteers.
- 20:28 Kitcot#1453 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:38:22!
- 20:30 Tomomodachi: GG! interview when restream catches up?
- 20:30 Kitcot: ye sure :)
- 20:31 Spytron#2875 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:31 Race finished in 1:41:23.4
- 20:32 Tomomodachi: gg
- 20:32 Tomomodachi: same to you spy, interview?
- 20:32 Spytron: yeah sure
- 20:33 Spytron#2875 added a comment.
- 20:33 Cubsrule21: cannot stress enough to please turn your stream settings down - there is no reason at all to have a 20+ year old game streamed in 1080p60fps
- 20:33 Kitcot: yeah i'm sorry
- 20:34 Kitcot: i'll pay attention to my settings next time
- 20:34 Spytron: was mine bad?
- 20:34 Cubsrule21: yes
- 20:34 Cubsrule21: both of you were at 1080p60 4000 bitrate
- 20:34 Cubsrule21: that's MMO/MOBA/rocket league type settings
- 20:35 Cubsrule21: not a game that runs at 480p 30fps
- 20:35 Spytron: im at 3500
- 20:35 Tomomodachi: go ahead and join the waiting room for the interview and I will drag you in when restream catches up
- 20:35 Spytron: and 3500 is recommended on the document
- 20:35 Cubsrule21: then your network was doing some wonky stuff - you were coming through at 4200
- 20:35 TreZc0_: you are also doing 1080p60 which the doc i specifically asking you not to do unless you have quality options
- 20:36 TreZc0_: unless it's been removed, but that has been a part of the concept for years now
- 20:44 Race result recorded by Advocate#8273