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- 06:07 Claireeon: You thinking of joining :eyes:
- 06:08 Egg: Im free
- 06:08 OriginalElijah: Yeah I think I want to run a SL seeeed :)
- 06:09 Claireeon: Well we're waiting for Cithiel rn anyways sooooooo
- 06:10 OriginalElijah: Disgusting. We should only be waiting for me :Kappa:
- 06:11 Claireeon: How long do you think you'll need Elijah?
- 06:11 OriginalElijah: Approximately 0 minutes and 0 seconds
- 06:11 OriginalElijah#1735 joins the race.
- 06:12 Claireeon: :eyes:
- 06:12 Claireeon: Incredible
- 06:12 Crain: Poggen Champ
- 06:18 Egg#2701 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 06:19 OriginalElijah#1735 quits the race.
- 06:19 OriginalElijah: Actually you guys
- 06:19 OriginalElijah: I'm starting to feel really tired
- 06:19 Claireeon: Awww, ok
- 06:19 OriginalElijah: I think tonight I should catch up on sleep
- 06:19 Claireeon: no worries
- 06:19 Egg: Okay, goodnight
- 06:20 OriginalElijah: I'll make it up tomorrow night if you guys are up for it again tomorrow
- 06:20 Egg: I might be
- 06:20 OriginalElijah: I might pop in streams to chat before actual bed
- 06:20 jwiste#2979 joins the race.
- 06:20 Claireeon: Hey jwiste
- 06:20 OriginalElijah: but even if we started now that's like 3:30 before I would finish (at the earliest)
- 06:21 OriginalElijah: and then by the time I go lay do for bed UGH
- 06:21 OriginalElijah: So sorry again
- 06:21 Egg: Im getting my hands warmed up. You're good eliah
- 06:21 Claireeon: I'm gonna see if I can get a hold of Cithiel, because otherwise we should probably get started
- 06:21 Egg: Elijah*
- 06:21 OriginalElijah: GL everyone
- 06:21 Claireeon: Thanks <3
- 06:28 Claireeon: Yeah I'm not getting anything, so I have no idea of an ETA. We might just have to start without him :/
- 06:28 Claireeon: You both good?
- 06:28 jwiste: ye
- 06:28 Claireeon: Cool
- 06:28 jwiste#2979 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 06:28 Claireeon: !bantingletuner
- 06:28 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: The Tingle Tuner is now banned in this race.
- 06:28 Claireeon#9421 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 06:28 jwiste: wait
- 06:28 jwiste: 1 sec
- 06:29 Claireeon: ok
- 06:29 Claireeon: Egg you're here right?
- 06:29 Egg: yeah
- 06:29 Claireeon: k, just wanted to double check since you readied up a bit ago
- 06:29 jwiste: should be good now
- 06:29 jwiste: had to log into twitch
- 06:29 Claireeon: ah, lol
- 06:30 Claireeon: !startspoilerlograce
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Generating seed...
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Seed generated! Preparation stage starts in 15 seconds...
- 06:30 Claireeon: I think that's all I have to do, lol
- 06:30 Egg: Good luck
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 5...
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 4...
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 3...
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 2...
- 06:30 Claireeon: GL@
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 1...
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 50 minutes to prepare your route!
- 06:30 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Spoiler Log:
- 06:32 Claireeon: TotG again :P
- 06:40 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 40 minutes until the race starts!
- 06:50 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 30 minutes until the race starts!
- 06:59 Claireeon: !time
- 06:59 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 21:06 until the race starts!
- 07:00 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 20 minutes until the race starts!
- 07:05 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 15 minutes until the race starts!
- 07:05 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Permalink: MS44LjAANGE4NGEzMjctODZiYi00Y2EwLWIzMjYtOWRlYzI2ZmEyZTEzABcDBgIPEMAMAAAAAAAAAA==
- 07:10 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 10 minutes until the race starts!
- 07:10 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Please start your stream if you haven't done so already!
- 07:13 Claireeon: !time
- 07:13 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 06:43 until the race starts!
- 07:14 Egg: obli gohma?
- 07:15 jwiste: ye
- 07:15 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 5 minutes until the race starts!
- 07:18 jwiste: this leaf tho lmao
- 07:18 Egg: not happy
- 07:18 Claireeon: lol, yeah sorry about this one
- 07:18 Egg: this whole seed unhappu
- 07:19 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 1 minute until the race starts!
- 07:19 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: File Name: 066119
- 07:20 twwr-spoiler-log-bot has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 07:20 Egg: good luck everyone!
- 07:20 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 08:57 jwiste#2979 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:36:50!
- 08:57 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: jwiste, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
- 08:58 jwiste#2979 added a comment: "died to ganon cuz dum overhead attack hits through shield :("
- 09:07 Claireeon#9421 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:46:41!
- 09:07 twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Claireeon, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
- 09:16 Egg#2701 has forfeited from the race.
- 09:16 Race finished in 1:55:57.8
- 20:39 Race result recorded by wooferzfg