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- 23:16 SiYes: It was said, heavily encouraged
- 23:16 SiYes: SO I guess it's not obligatory
- 23:16 tanjo3: you know you want to
- 23:17 Sir. Kilp: Ima assume the perma link is in the title?
- 23:17 Zwaf: Playing toad without sound 5Head
- 23:17 Crain: Yep
- 23:17 Crain: Gynophi I make no promises to go easy, as I need to win to make some more $$
- 23:17 SiYes: No, I don't want to play with toad lol
- 23:17 Zwaf: monkaS
- 23:17 Crain: SiYes? More like NoNo
- 23:18 Egg#2701 joins the race.
- 23:18 tanjo3: NoNon really
- 23:18 Egg: hehehehehehehehehehe
- 23:18 Egg: is that the perma in the description?
- 23:18 Crain: Yep
- 23:18 Zwaf: I cant copy the perma
- 23:18 Goal: Standard Race - Defeat Ganondorf
- 23:18 420, hehe nice - MS44LjAAeFh4XzQyMEJsYXplSXQ0MjBfeFh4ABcDBABOMMAcAAAAAAAAAA==
- 23:18 Zwaf: Ty
- 23:19 Crain: I usually try to avoid putting a slew of characters and numbers into the title, but sometimes I can't help myself Kappa
- 23:19 Crain#0315 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 23:20 Sir. Kilp#8590 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 23:20 Crain: Now we're going to be late to blazing it
- 23:21 gaspoweredpogi: May this race be memorable.
- 23:21 Crain: May this race include Pogi :eyes:
- 23:21 Sir. Kilp: seeing toad in this title screen is horifying
- 23:21 gaspoweredpogi: Wished but I actually have to go pick up some stuff
- 23:22 Crain: Suggested File name has you included 420 somewhere in it btw
- 23:22 tanjo3: Poe Jin?
- 23:22 Crain: Poe Jin
- 23:22 Sir. Kilp: yee
- 23:23 gaspoweredpogi: Wdym?
- 23:23 Crain: I mean like instead of Tanjo3
- 23:23 Crain: Tanjo420
- 23:24 gaspoweredpogi: LMAO
- 23:24 tanjo3#6944 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:24 Crain: Like I'm running at Crain420
- 23:24 Zwaf: ill do Gyno420 then
- 23:24 SiYes: Poe Jin
- 23:24 Crain: This pleases me greatly
- 23:24 Sir. Kilp: I shall be known as Toad420
- 23:24 Crain#0315 updated the race information.
- 23:24 Goal: Standard Race - Defeat Ganondorf
- 23:24 420, hehe nice - MS44LjAAeFh4XzQyMEJsYXplSXQ0MjBfeFh4ABcDBABOMMAcAAAAAAAAAA== | Hash is Poe Jin
- 23:25 gaspoweredpogi: GL everyone!
- 23:25 Crain: Also auto-start is turned off, so please ready up as soon as you're ready
- 23:27 Zwaf: God, sync error
- 23:27 Zwaf: Restart livesplit?
- 23:27 tanjo3: it needs to see you're live
- 23:27 tanjo3: takes a while
- 23:27 Egg#2701 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:27 Gynophi#1594 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:27 Zwaf: There it is
- 23:27 SiYes#6791 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:27 Crain: you can click "Force Reload" as well iirc
- 23:28 tanjo3: GL
- 23:28 Sir. Kilp: glhf
- 23:28 Zwaf: Yeah i tried but didnt work
- 23:28 Zwaf: GLHF!
- 23:28 SiYes: glhf ! ^^
- 23:28 Crain#0315 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:28 Crain: Blaze it Gamers
- 23:28 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:12 SiYes: Alright, too tired, I know now I will never begin a race at that time ever again lol. gl with your runs boys, blaze it !
- 00:13 SiYes#6791 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:18 tanjo3: F
- 00:35 Zwaf: f
- 01:36 Crain#0315 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:37 Crain#0315 added a comment: "In a sense of Irony, I'm giving into Adderall fueled Munchies"
- 01:38 tanjo3#6944 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:09:50!
- 01:40 gaspoweredpogi: Aww man I wanted to take a screenshot of all the Toad second screens :(
- 01:43 Zwaf: gg!
- 01:43 Zwaf: i should be asleep its almost 3 am
- 01:43 Zwaf: for me
- 01:52 tanjo3: gg
- 01:52 tanjo3: lol
- 01:53 Zwaf: I think i might FF
- 01:53 Zwaf: Just because i feel really tired
- 01:53 Gynophi#1594 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:54 Gynophi#1594 added a comment: "I hate racing in the night, I hate Light Arrows, I hate being Toad, I hate everything right now"
- 01:57 tanjo3: F
- 01:58 tanjo3: well ggs
- 01:58 tanjo3: have a good night
- 01:58 Zwaf: Thanks
- 01:58 Zwaf: Goodluck to Egg and Kilp
- 02:28 Egg#2701 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:30 Sir. Kilp#8590 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:01:31!
- 02:30 Race finished in 3:01:32.1
- 02:30 Sir. Kilp: yo 2nd place lets gooo
- 02:30 Sir. Kilp: ggs everyone
- 02:31 tanjo3: gg
- 02:31 tanjo3: lmao wut
- 02:32 tanjo3: 420 cursed raced, 4/6 ded
- 08:18 Race result recorded by Crain#0315