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- 16:53 Lyric: !miniblins
- 16:53 tww-rando-bot: Rolling seed...
- 16:53 tww-rando-bot: Permalink: MS4xMC4wXzVmMWJhZTYATHlyaWNqM0w4UmpKTXd0AE0wQEwAQAQS8RPOfwAQSH5IAQAj
- 16:53 tww-rando-bot: Seed Hash: Rito 'hoy
- 16:53 tww-rando-bot updated the race information.
- 16:53 tww-rando-bot: Please note that this seed has been rolled on the Mixed Pools version of the randomizer. You can download it here:
- 16:54 pspy#3210 joins the race.
- 16:54 kinnian#7150 joins the race.
- 16:54 kinnian: o/
- 16:54 CubeDavid: kinnian! o/
- 16:55 Lyric: more peeps! :D
- 16:55 pspy: Is it all good if I do stream? I just wanna use as a test for future since last time I was dropping a lot
- 16:56 Fireworkspinner#0882 joins the race.
- 16:56 Lyric: feel free to stream, it's just not required
- 16:56 Bobby#2307 joins the race.
- 16:56 CubeDavid: Firework! KorlEyes
- 16:56 Lyric: yo we got a packed room here
- 16:56 Lyric: love it
- 16:57 pspy: cool just wanted to make sure!
- 16:57 Fireworkspinner: Cube :)
- 16:57 Bobby: hi all :)
- 16:57 CubeDavid: hey Bobby! :D
- 16:57 pspy: hihi
- 16:57 Bobby: lets not make a stupid gamble :D
- 16:57 Lyric: everyone do ET early this seed, trust me
- 16:57 Fireworkspinner: Stupid gambles you say? KolokPause
- 16:58 kinnian: KorlEyes
- 16:58 Lyric: if you just check all the correct spots then you won't ever need to gamble
- 16:58 CubeDavid: RAing rushiing ET, nice
- 16:59 Bobby: door cancel into ET Ftw
- 16:59 Fireworkspinner: I'll rush ET* (*assuming I have mirror shield, leaf, power bracelets, and light arrows)
- 16:59 Drooness is ready! (7 remaining)
- 16:59 kinnian#7150 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 17:00 pspy#3210 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 17:01 Bobby#2307 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 17:03 Fireworkspinner#0882 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 17:03 Lyric#8647 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:04 Erica#4033 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:04 Lyric: autostart off
- 17:04 Kelly: glhf
- 17:04 pspy: gl gamers
- 17:04 Bobby: glhf
- 17:04 kinnian: glhf! <3
- 17:04 Fireworkspinner: glhf
- 17:04 Lyric: glhf all!
- 17:05 Drooness: glhf
- 17:06 Bobby#2307 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 17:06 Bobby#2307 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:08 Kelly: you doing ok david?
- 17:10 Drooness: TenseSailing
- 17:11 CubeDavid: yeah, sorry
- 17:11 CubeDavid: rdy up in like 1 or 2
- 17:11 Lyric: all good
- 17:11 Bobby: no worries
- 17:11 Kelly: oki no worries
- 17:12 CubeDavid: okay, glhf!
- 17:12 CubeDavid#1606 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:12 Lyric: glhf!
- 17:12 Lyric#8647 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:12 kinnian: glgl
- 17:12 Bobby: glhf
- 17:12 Kelly: glhf besties
- 17:12 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:32 Bobby#2307 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:19:44!
- 18:32 CubeDavid: ggs!
- 18:32 Bobby: ggs
- 18:32 Drooness: ggs
- 18:35 Drooness has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:23:17!
- 18:36 CubeDavid: ggs!
- 18:36 Lyric#8647 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:23:47!
- 18:36 Lyric#8647 added a comment.
- 18:37 Bobby#2307 added a comment.
- 18:37 Fireworkspinner: GGs
- 18:38 CubeDavid: ggs!
- 18:38 CubeDavid#1606 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:26:17!
- 18:39 CubeDavid#1606 added a comment.
- 18:39 Drooness added a comment.
- 18:40 CubeDavid: ggs!
- 18:40 Fireworkspinner: ggs
- 18:45 kinnian#7150 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:33:26!
- 18:46 kinnian: ggs!
- 18:46 kinnian#7150 added a comment.
- 18:46 CubeDavid: ggs!
- 18:49 pspy#3210 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:37:20!
- 18:50 pspy#3210 added a comment.
- 18:52 Erica#4033 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:39:56!
- 18:52 CubeDavid: ggs!
- 18:52 Erica#4033 added a comment.
- 19:04 Bobby#2307 changed their comment.
- 19:36 Fireworkspinner#0882 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:24:06!
- 19:36 Race finished in 2:24:06.3
- 19:37 Fireworkspinner#0882 added a comment.
- 19:37 Fireworkspinner: GGS
- 19:41 Race set to not recorded by Advocate#8273