
The Wind Waker Randomizer TWWR Standard Race MS4xMC4wAG1hdHphaFRhbFNvdUtHRUNEbjhLaHEAFwMiAHPowgMMsACCcQ8AAMkHAAAA | Seed Hash: Linda Jabun
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tal #2644
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  1. 1st RyuuKane #3246 he / him more Yikes Finished 497
  2. 2nd Nave #0951 more aside from losing about 5 mins in ET due to monkey brain, felt good about the way I played the seed even though the seed itself was terrible LUL Finished 657
  3. 3rd tal #2644 she / they more i should have mercy killed that run Finished 3
  4. Blanc #2390 she / her more screwed up too much DNF DNF 44
4 entrants (1 inactive)