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- 16:47 BadNewsNate: I see now
- 16:47 Nabs: yeah, irc commands also work
- 16:48 Ozy: hoping to start in about 10-15 mins
- 16:48 BadNewsNate: Thanks guys! I'm getting set up now. I've been having trouble with my ISP once again.
- 16:48 Ozy: idk if lucario is joining or anyone else
- 16:48 Ozy: sorry to hear that nate
- 16:48 BadNewsNate: Maybe mention something in the FM Discord?
- 16:48 Nabs: I think chibi was interested too
- 16:49 Ozy: oh shid i forgot and set my reminder to a different day haha
- 16:49 Nabs: lol
- 16:49 Nabs: it's all good. I don't mind waiting up for a few more people to join
- 16:50 Ozy: kk
- 16:50 Ozy: posted in fm discord
- 16:51 Loatheb: did you know that if you name yourself Kermit you are guaranteed a 2/2 starter deck
- 16:51 Ozy: yee just don't wanna delay it like 30 mins cause it's late for tager lol
- 16:51 Ozy: ohisee
- 16:53 poptart_cat#2549 joins the race.
- 16:53 poptart_cat: hello gamers
- 16:54 LucarioZealot#7546 joins the race.
- 16:54 TheCivilYoshi: hm
- 16:55 LucarioZealot: Ah there we go. Had to authorize livesplit
- 16:55 Ozy: nice
- 16:55 sg4e: !enter
- 16:56 sg4e: How do I do this?
- 16:56 Ozy: it's irc commands lol JeBaited
- 16:56 sg4e#4461 joins the race.
- 16:56 sg4e: found it PogY
- 16:56 sg4e: PogU
- 16:56 BadNewsNate: This should be an exciting race!
- 16:56 Loatheb: sub 4s or buuuust
- 16:57 Ozy: nate do you want an invite to our vc?
- 16:57 Tagerguy#9762 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 16:58 BadNewsNate: Sure
- 17:01 sg4e#4461 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 17:01 Ozy#3053 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 17:02 poptart_cat#2549 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 17:02 BadNewsNate: My net went down again. One sec.
- 17:03 Ozy: ok
- 17:04 Ozy: we dropped down to general 2 because 1 was roboty
- 17:04 Nabs#2507 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 17:04 LucarioZealot#7546 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:05 BadNewsNate#1050 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:05 Loatheb: Good lucksies everyone VoHiYo
- 17:05 LucarioZealot: Good luck!
- 17:05 poptart_cat: good luck!
- 17:05 BadNewsNate: GLHF
- 17:05 vs_deluge#0499 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:05 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:05 Nabs: glhf
- 17:06 vs_deluge: GL everyone!
- 17:06 TheCivilYoshi: gl no forfeits
- 17:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:41 BadNewsNate#1050 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:42 BadNewsNate: Internet is still causing issues so I'm done for now. Sorry guys.
- 17:42 vs_deluge: Thanks anyway for coming nate!
- 17:42 Loatheb: Get that internet working soon Nate, GG and sorry to hear. Thanks for trying ^^
- 18:31 Ozy: first thtd of the run
- 19:18 BadNewsNate: Good news, I think my internet is fixed. Bad news, I had to restart my computer. How's everyone doing?
- 19:18 Ozy: doing good
- 19:18 Ozy: on farm 2 with 4/7
- 19:19 BadNewsNate: That's cool! Your streaming, right?
- 19:19 Nabs: yyeah
- 19:20 BadNewsNate: I'll throw you a host instead of that loser tager. Kappa
- 19:20 Loatheb: :cry:
- 19:20 r4nd0mz: Tager's not a loser!
- 19:21 Loatheb: 4/7 right now as well, Isis shy with dragons as usual
- 19:22 Nabs: dang, here i am at 7/4
- 19:22 r4nd0mz: tager trying to hide the fact that isis has been generous with widespreads tho Keepo
- 22:16 Tagerguy#9762 has finished in 1st place with a time of 5:09:58!
- 22:16 Nabs: gg
- 22:16 vs_deluge: GG!
- 22:16 poptart_cat: gg
- 22:16 Ozy: ggs tager
- 22:16 yarts: ligma balls
- 22:18 Loatheb: Thanks guys, good lucksies to the rest of ya, may final 6 be merciful :pray:
- 22:18 Tagerguy#9762 added a comment: "Shoutouts to Hdot for that SA Tec Rex into Mystical Sheep"
- 23:11 Ozy#3053 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:24 Nabs#2507 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:24 Nabs#2507 added a comment: "irl stuff came up unfortunatly. probably could have finished"
- 23:26 Loatheb: GG Oz and Nabs
- 23:27 Ozy: pie7
- 23:28 Ozy#3053 added a comment: "just wasn't in the cards today, constantly not drawing anything besides having a good deck :("
- 03:27 LucarioZealot: Hello
- 03:28 vs_deluge#0499 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 10:22:17!
- 03:30 LucarioZealot#7546 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 10:24:05!
- 03:36 vs_deluge#0499 added a comment: "Saved 2 and a half hours on my last PB!"
- 03:44 poptart_cat#2549 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:56 poptart_cat#2549 added a comment: "pegasus is a stingy jerk"
- 04:45 Ozy#3053 promoted sg4e#4461 to race monitor.
- 06:06 sg4e#4461 has finished in 4th place with a time of 13:00:29!
- 06:06 Race finished in 13:00:29.8
- 06:06 Ozy: ggs
- 06:06 Race result recorded by Ozy#3053
- 06:07 Loatheb: Racetime GG race doneu PogChamp