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- 15:45 Dick Dastardly#7298 joins the race.
- 15:45 0FE6F8: tager
- 15:45 0FE6F8: go to main menu pls
- 15:45 0FE6F8: s
- 15:45 0FE6F8: 1s*
- 15:45 Loatheb: ooookay
- 15:45 0FE6F8: all good
- 15:45 0FE6F8: nks
- 15:45 0FE6F8: thanks
- 15:46 0FE6F8: can go back to the cards if you want lol
- 15:49 A3r1uS#0559 joins the race.
- 15:58 0FE6F8: starting in 10min
- 15:58 0FE6F8: everything good?
- 15:58 Loatheb: All gucchi
- 15:59 A3r1uS: Goody goodoo
- 16:01 0FE6F8: 5min
- 16:03 Dick Dastardly#7298 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:05 A3r1uS: Are you going to force start or should I go go grill?
- 16:05 0FE6F8: can ready up
- 16:05 A3r1uS#0559 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:06 0FE6F8: 1min
- 16:06 Loatheb: so a3r1us we both doing all deckout%?
- 16:06 0FE6F8: o_o
- 16:06 A3r1uS: Deckout SImon and Mage Soldier
- 16:06 0FE6F8: glgl guys
- 16:07 Loatheb: thank you!
- 16:07 Loatheb: GL GL a3
- 16:07 DEX888#1531 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:07 A3r1uS: glhf
- 16:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:52 Dick Dastardly#7298 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:45:13!
- 17:59 A3r1uS#0559 has forfeited from the race.
- 17:59 Race finished in 1:52:29.8
- 17:59 A3r1uS: ggs :)
- 18:00 Loatheb: GGs, sorry about the Nitemare there at the end
- 19:06 Race result recorded by DEX888#1531