
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories YGOFM Any% (15-card mod)
Opened by
rickyjay ghost of fm past #5781
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  1. 1st 'Final Boss' UMI #6849 he / him more dreams do come true- just dont attempt pb kids Finished 19
  2. 2nd Blubber Bear more Every time https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/852/193/d71.gif Finished 1
  3. 3rd Secret Italian Supercat #7302 he / him more died to rex once and had to redo for a new deck, almost died to rex again, 4 A-Tecs with straight nothings, somehow it finished, GGs Finished 12
  4. BadNewsNate #2925 he / him more Never farm Meadow Mage. (note to self) DNF DNF 11
  5. Deonide #8587 he / him DNF DNF 1
  6. rickyjay ghost of fm past #5781 DNF DNF 6
6 entrants (3 inactive)