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- 21:58 matt13#8291 joins the race.
- 21:58 matt13: hey y'all
- 21:58 matt13: how long are you looking to start in roughly?
- 21:58 rickyjay ghost of fm past: how long do you need?
- 21:59 matt13: i can be ready in like 15-20 mins, but if you'd prefer to start sooner I can sit out
- 21:59 rickyjay ghost of fm past: thats cool :)
- 21:59 rickyjay ghost of fm past: ew can wait
- 21:59 matt13: aight ty brb
- 22:00 Deonide#8587 joins the race.
- 22:00 loomer#6276 joins the race.
- 22:02 matt13: turns out I didn't need as long as I thought :p
- 22:03 matt13#8291 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:03 Flopsie#3540 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:07 Keeano#3975 joins the race.
- 22:13 loomer#6276 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:15 rickyjay#4242 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:15 TagerGuy#5648 joins the race.
- 22:15 matt13: no way!!
- 22:15 Codorna#2984 joins the race.
- 22:15 Keeano: race for 2nd
- 22:15 Keeano: WOO
- 22:16 Codorna#2984 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:16 TagerGuy#5648 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:16 matt13: we still waiting for Umi?
- 22:16 loomer#6276 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 22:16 rickyjay ghost of fm past: yup
- 22:16 Keeano: yes
- 22:17 Keeano: the tide is not yet in
- 22:17 matt13: lol
- 22:20 ThatUmiGuy334#0890 joins the race.
- 22:20 'Final Boss' UMI: tide is here
- 22:20 Deonide#8587 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:21 Keeano#3975 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:21 ThaRixer: Good luck lads
- 22:21 matt13: superb
- 22:21 ThatUmiGuy334#0890 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:21 rickyjay ghost of fm past: want to join us ricky?
- 22:21 rickyjay ghost of fm past: make it an even 10 :P
- 22:22 loomer: sry i'm back
- 22:22 loomer: had to let dog out
- 22:22 matt13: LilZ
- 22:22 rickyjay ghost of fm past: no woories
- 22:22 loomer#6276 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:22 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:22 loomer: glhf
- 22:22 Loatheb: gl hf everyone
- 22:22 matt13: gl
- 22:23 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:48 Loatheb: searching for any painful DMK farm friends
- 22:50 matt13: mine was kinda bad but i moved on anyway :p
- 22:52 ThaRixer: @rickyjay just saw this. My console is downstairs :(
- 22:52 ThaRixer: Anyone wanna play with an FM pack after? :eyes:
- 22:52 matt13: thinkin about doing attemps after
- 00:09 ThatUmiGuy334#0890 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:46:39!
- 00:09 matt13: gg umi
- 00:10 'Final Boss' UMI: what a run
- 00:10 'Final Boss' UMI: just in time for wrestlemania
- 00:10 matt13: BatChest
- 00:10 Loatheb: gg
- 00:21 matt13#8291 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:58:13!
- 00:21 loomer#6276 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:58:23!
- 00:21 matt13: :O
- 00:21 Codorna: gg
- 00:21 matt13: ggs
- 00:21 loomer: gg, nice time umi
- 00:21 Loatheb: gg and gg
- 00:21 loomer: close matt!
- 00:22 matt13#8291 added a comment.
- 00:24 Codorna#2984 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:01:20!
- 00:24 matt13: gg
- 00:24 Codorna#2984 is no longer done.
- 00:24 matt13: bg
- 00:24 Codorna: missclick
- 00:24 matt13: haha
- 00:25 Flopsie#3540 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:26 Flopsie#3540 added a comment.
- 00:26 matt13: gg flopsie :(
- 00:31 Keeano#3975 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:08:33!
- 00:32 matt13: gg keeano
- 00:32 Keeano: gg
- 00:38 Deonide#8587 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:39 TagerGuy#5648 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:16:48!
- 00:40 matt13: gg and gg
- 00:41 Codorna: gg
- 00:41 loomer: gg
- 00:42 TagerGuy#5648 added a comment.
- 00:43 loomer#6276 added a comment.
- 00:48 Codorna#2984 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:25:37!
- 00:50 matt13: gg
- 00:51 rickyjay#4242 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:28:37!
- 00:51 Race finished in 2:28:38.0
- 00:51 matt13: gg
- 00:51 Codorna: gg
- 07:10 Race result recorded by TagerGuy#5648