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- 21:59 zigfried#8730 joins the race.
- 22:00 Namitai#1864 joins the race.
- 22:02 matt13#8291 joins the race.
- 22:02 MasterMarz: well i said thirty minutes 7-8 minutes ago
- 22:03 MasterMarz: Everyone can get set up, let's wait to at least 12 mins from now: 6:15pm
- 22:03 MasterMarz: est
- 22:05 MasterMarz: make sure to check your hardware and software, don't wanna worry about controller malfunctions
- 22:07 MasterMarz: Alright i am set up.
- 22:08 matt13#8291 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:09 loomer#6276 joins the race.
- 22:10 ReginoJR#8296 joins the race.
- 22:10 kan1tz#7390 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:10 loomer: rolling the dice
- 22:10 hippochan#6209 joins the race.
- 22:11 matt13: christ
- 22:11 loomer: :o
- 22:11 matt13: whos brought her out of retirement
- 22:12 MasterMarz: oh nice, we got 9 entrants now.
- 22:12 hippochan: was about to do attempts and i saw a race starting
- 22:12 zigfried#8730 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:13 FabuTK#1064 joins the race.
- 22:13 Towel#3643 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 22:13 MasterMarz: 10 :D
- 22:14 MasterMarz: i am surprised yagami didn't make it though
- 22:14 MasterMarz: maybe tired after work
- 22:14 matt13: yagami is an interesting fellow
- 22:15 MasterMarz: Well, i am ready to fire once everyone is set up and good to go
- 22:15 Namitai#1864 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:16 loomer#6276 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:16 hippochan#6209 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:17 ReginoJR#8296 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:17 matt13: gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl gl
- 22:17 ReginoJR: woah
- 22:17 FabuTK#1064 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:17 FabuTK: glgl
- 22:17 MasterMarz#4151 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:17 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:17 MasterMarz: Firing
- 22:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:18 ReginoJR: GL
- 22:35 matt13: WTF
- 22:35 matt13: WEEVIL 2 tripwire 3 blackland
- 22:35 hippochan: sup
- 22:35 hippochan: oh man
- 22:41 MasterMarz: double zoa twinhead lost to keith, have to redo mai
- 22:45 MasterMarz: double immortale single cdrag2 from mai second attempt makes up for it
- 22:45 matt13: not bad
- 23:08 MasterMarz: i have too many dragons lol, 16 going into mage soldier before pegatecs
- 23:08 MasterMarz: plus overdupes of some tier 1s
- 23:09 matt13: not the worst problem to have hehe
- 23:13 MasterMarz: triple denergy again!
- 23:13 matt13: dayum
- 23:42 Towel: Pegi Crush Card in 2 ATecs, but no MM
- 23:45 MasterMarz: 4 atecs 0 mm
- 23:49 loomer#6276 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:49 matt13#8291 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:31:47!
- 23:50 MasterMarz: gg wow
- 23:50 matt13: gg
- 23:50 loomer: banger time
- 23:51 matt13: 2nd 1:3x recently, in the luckiest rn
- 23:51 matt13#8291 added a comment.
- 23:51 Towel: GG
- 23:55 matt13: gg yall
- 23:55 matt13: best of luck
- 00:16 kan1tz#7390 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:17 kan1tz#7390 added a comment.
- 00:17 hippochan: unfort
- 00:24 kan1tz#7390 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 00:24 FabuTK#1064 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:26 MasterMarz: s pow heishin lol
- 00:27 MasterMarz: zoa, head, stone d drops heishin 2 first attempt, neat
- 00:30 ReginoJR#8296 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:12:30!
- 00:30 ReginoJR: ggs
- 00:32 ReginoJR#8296 added a comment.
- 00:34 kan1tz#7390 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:35 kan1tz#7390 added a comment.
- 00:39 MasterMarz#4151 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:21:21!
- 00:39 MasterMarz: gg
- 00:39 loomer: gg
- 00:40 MasterMarz#4151 added a comment.
- 00:44 MasterMarz#4151 changed their comment.
- 00:44 MasterMarz: new race in 30 mins
- 00:44 MasterMarz: if anyone is interested
- 00:44 MasterMarz:
- 00:46 Namitai#1864 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:52 zigfried#8730 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:58 Towel: I'll give it maybe 45 minutes.
- 01:02 Towel: JK
- 01:02 Towel#3643 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:47 hippochan#6209 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:29:26!
- 01:47 Race finished in 3:29:26.6
- 01:47 hippochan#6209 added a comment.
- 01:48 hippochan#6209 changed their comment.
- 03:22 Race result recorded by BadNewsNate#1050