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- 00:39 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:45 ghostDunk#3764 joins the race.
- 00:51 ganondwa1rf: yoooo
- 00:54 Para#5578 joins the race.
- 00:55 Para: hi! sorry, I'm running a little slow, got home later than I expected
- 00:55 TAH: Hey all, so looks like no restreamer available tonight, so I can roll you all as seed when you are ready for it.
- 00:55 Para: ah ok, I'll take my time then lol
- 00:56 TAH: It's ok I think ghost needs to get the newest update (4.2.7)
- 00:57 Para: I need to look over the flags lol
- 01:00 TAH: Like Max rando, I could be a nightmare or it could be jetty
- 01:00 Para: was water walkable with boots changed to 50/50
- 01:00 ghostDunk: how in the hell is github down for me
- 01:01 ghostDunk: ellendar sent me a MSI file
- 01:01 ghostDunk: but i reset my computer and it takes forever to get going
- 01:02 TAH: Luck is not on your side tonight, me'thinks
- 01:04 ghostDunk: ok ive got the program
- 01:05 TAH: Sweet! Let me know when you are both ready for the seed.
- 01:07 Para: anytime
- 01:08 ghostDunk: ok ready
- 01:09 TAH: Kk
- 01:09 TAH: !flags hEAK0sALispUN1TvUkY$8v9ttf9tb7AAWR
- 01:09 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:09 SahasrahBot: Seed: 472746926 - Flags: hEAK0sALispUN1TvUkY$8v9ttf9tb7AAWR
- 01:09 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:10 Para: what does it mean if not all water is walkable with boots
- 01:10 Para: is some water still walkable
- 01:10 TAH: So, even with boots, water will not be walkable.
- 01:11 Para: so boots do nothing?
- 01:11 TAH: With the exception of bridges that are sandwiched between 2 road tiles
- 01:11 TAH: And the water tile
- 01:11 Para: huh, ok.
- 01:12 Para: 08456G
- 01:12 TAH: The "bridges" are not guaranteed to generate if the flag is on. Just letting you know.
- 01:13 Para#5578 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:13 Para: glhf
- 01:15 ghostDunk: O8456G
- 01:15 ghostDunk#3764 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:15 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:16 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:34 ghostDunk#3764 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:34 ghostDunk: GP too much for me
- 02:34 Para: I don't blame you
- 02:34 ghostDunk: GL!! i had fun though!
- 02:34 Para: just found DL
- 02:35 ghostDunk: GG!
- 02:35 Para#5578 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:19:26!
- 02:35 Race finished in 1:19:26.5
- 02:35 Para: gg!
- 02:35 Para: yeah more than half of that time was spent in gp, I probably game overed like 3-4 times
- 02:35 Para: tbird required
- 02:35 Para: I game overed to tbird once
- 02:36 Para: my first time in gp I ducked out because I had like 3-4-4, no downstab, no life/shield, no heart/magic containers
- 02:36 Para: just enough to cast thunder once
- 02:36 Para: I came back at 4-5-6, 7 magic 6 hearts, life/shield, downstab
- 02:36 Para: pretty sure that's a long gp
- 02:36 Para: it was like a good 9 rooms after tbird to dl
- 03:27 Race result recorded by TAH#0815