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- 20:16 Big__Slammu#5059 joins the race.
- 20:16 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 20:17 traiLZ#5631 joins the race.
- 20:17 traiLZ: brb
- 20:18 Big__Slammu: k
- 20:20 traiLZ: whlie coffee is squirtin what sort of flags did you want to do?
- 20:20 Big__Slammu: bracket flags with candle work?
- 20:20 Big__Slammu: jhAhD0j#$78$Jp5HgRAhOA!0P8@
- 20:22 Big__Slammu: gotta try to keep it to 2 hours or less because that's average nap length
- 20:25 traiLZ: thats cool i am ready
- 20:25 traiLZ: you wanna roll it?
- 20:25 Big__Slammu: sure
- 20:26 Big__Slammu: !flags jhAhD0j#$78$Jp5HgRAhOA!0P8@
- 20:26 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 20:26 SahasrahBot: Seed: 840584059 - Flags: jhAhD0j#$78$Jp5HgRAhOA!0P8@
- 20:26 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 20:26 Big__Slammu: JLPIQD
- 20:26 traiLZ: seed of the week flags?
- 20:28 Big__Slammu: I had grabbed bracket flags + candle, the last @ may have gotten cut off
- 20:28 traiLZ: i have the same hash
- 20:28 traiLZ: the drops are only small bags and jars
- 20:28 traiLZ: you want me to change it?
- 20:28 Big__Slammu: that's what it is for bracket rounds right?
- 20:28 traiLZ: nah, brackets is random
- 20:28 traiLZ: finals i think the drops get changed
- 20:29 traiLZ: i could be wrong, it doesn't matter to me regardless
- 20:29 traiLZ: we can run these, i saw the drops were set to small ones
- 20:29 Big__Slammu: Bracket Flags:
- 20:29 Big__Slammu: that's what's in the google doc
- 20:29 Big__Slammu: I just added candle to it
- 20:29 traiLZ: okay, well if thats what it is then i must be mistaken
- 20:29 traiLZ: its all good either way, i have the same hash, you wanna run this one?
- 20:29 Big__Slammu: sure
- 20:30 Big__Slammu: ramping up the difficulty slowly
- 20:30 traiLZ: i am ready whenever you are
- 20:30 Big__Slammu: eventually I'll get to 3 hearts no extra life containers like you
- 20:30 Big__Slammu#5059 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:30 Big__Slammu: gl hf!
- 20:30 traiLZ#5631 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:30 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:30 traiLZ: GL!
- 20:30 traiLZ: HF!
- 20:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:26 traiLZ#5631 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:55:48!
- 21:26 Big__Slammu: gg
- 21:27 traiLZ: thanks GG
- 21:50 Big__Slammu#5059 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:19:18!
- 21:50 Race finished in 1:19:18.9
- 21:50 traiLZ: GG
- 21:51 Big__Slammu: gg, thought I was so far behind only having 3 gems in when you .doned, but those last 3 palaces were insanely quick
- 21:54 Big__Slammu: thanks for the race, my kid woke up just after thunderbird, so perfect timing
- 21:55 traiLZ: cool, yea thank you as well
- 21:55 traiLZ: running a little z1r right now
- 21:55 traiLZ: have a good rest of the day, if you wanna race again hit me up
- 21:55 Race result recorded by traiLZ#5631