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- 21:29 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 21:30 Ellendar#2124 joins the race.
- 21:30 traiLZ: big_slammu is joining
- 21:30 traiLZ#5631 joins the race.
- 21:31 Ellendar: cool
- 21:32 Big__Slammu#5059 joins the race.
- 21:32 traiLZ: what flags do you guys wanna use?
- 21:32 traiLZ: doesn't matter to me
- 21:33 traiLZ: slammu you wanna pick the flags?
- 21:33 traiLZ: since you are the newest runner?
- 21:33 Big__Slammu: jhAhD0L#$Za$LpTBT!AhOA!0P@@ work? 1st flags in the tourney doc
- 21:33 traiLZ: sounds good
- 21:34 traiLZ: let me know when you guys are ready
- 21:34 Ellendar: Good whenev
- 21:34 traiLZ: Slammu?
- 21:34 Big__Slammu: yeah, just closing up my work stuff; i've got everything up to run
- 21:35 Big__Slammu: ready whenever
- 21:35 traiLZ: let me know and i will roll it
- 21:35 Big__Slammu: go for it
- 21:35 traiLZ: cool
- 21:35 traiLZ: !flags jhAhD0L#$Za$LpTBT!AhOA!0P@@
- 21:35 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 21:35 SahasrahBot: Seed: 762471690 - Flags: jhAhD0L#$Za$LpTBT!AhOA!0P@@
- 21:35 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 21:37 Big__Slammu: 91E1V5
- 21:37 traiLZ: mine just finished generating lol
- 21:37 traiLZ: damn that took a while
- 21:37 Big__Slammu: yeah, that took forever
- 21:37 Big__Slammu: hopefully it's some insane setup becaue of it
- 21:37 traiLZ: same HASH for me as well
- 21:37 Ellendar: I have an idea for speeding up generation but I need to dig into the code a lot more and figure out if it's feasable
- 21:38 Ellendar: also same hash
- 21:38 Big__Slammu#5059 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:38 traiLZ: GL!
- 21:38 traiLZ#5631 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:38 Big__Slammu: gl hf!
- 21:38 Ellendar: GLHF
- 21:38 Ellendar#2124 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:38 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:38 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:04 traiLZ#5631 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:25:56!
- 23:05 Big__Slammu: gg
- 23:05 traiLZ: thanks
- 23:05 traiLZ: GG
- 23:10 Ellendar#2124 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:10 Ellendar: That's enough of that
- 23:11 Ellendar: GG
- 23:13 traiLZ: it was a tough one thats for sure
- 23:15 Ellendar: Another seed where i missed 1 thing and lost 15-20 minutes
- 23:23 traiLZ: i hear ya, slammu is in GP so its safe to talk about it now
- 23:24 traiLZ: the raft was the very last thing i got, and i had to turn around after p1 and go back to Darunia because i forgot the fairy spell was there.... that was a long walk
- 23:25 traiLZ: literally right next to Darunia was the kidnapped child but for some reason i forgot to turn it in so i had to back track all of the way.... plus i spent a ton of time in palace 6 early on, got glove blocked
- 23:37 Big__Slammu#5059 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:58:53!
- 23:37 Race finished in 1:58:53.1
- 23:37 Big__Slammu: that was brutal
- 23:37 traiLZ: GG
- 23:37 traiLZ: yea that seed sucked
- 23:37 traiLZ: that was a terrible seed lol
- 23:38 traiLZ: that required raft location was terrible
- 23:38 Big__Slammu: yeah. I ended up heading east after clearing everything that wasnt a palace in the west and wasn't ready for that
- 23:39 traiLZ: the overworld on this one was bullshit...
- 23:39 Big__Slammu: then my wife came in to discuss dinner plans mid-thunderbird. Had to be my worst thunderbird in a long time
- 23:39 traiLZ: gave you early glove, and early any key...
- 23:39 traiLZ: but the rest of the seed licked donkey nuts
- 23:40 traiLZ: the only way anyone could have routed this seed well is by backtracking to death mountain after finding hammer on the east
- 23:40 traiLZ: i full cleared the whole seed and spec rock was the last location for me
- 23:40 traiLZ: lol
- 23:40 traiLZ: thats the worst
- 23:41 traiLZ: i hate when i am in the middle of a race and then life happens
- 23:41 Big__Slammu: I came back to spec rock relatively quickly because I knew it was an item I could get
- 23:41 Big__Slammu: no idea where I lost Ruto at
- 23:43 traiLZ: where was Ruto
- 23:43 traiLZ: Ruto was by palace 6
- 23:44 Big__Slammu: thats right
- 23:44 Big__Slammu: walked right by it trophy in hand
- 23:44 traiLZ: just north of palace 6, and just west of the death mountain entrance
- 23:44 Big__Slammu: that would have made thundy easier
- 23:44 traiLZ: absolutely
- 23:44 traiLZ: did you watch that tutorial i made?
- 23:44 traiLZ: looked like you got the pendulum strat down
- 23:45 Big__Slammu: yeah, I'm usually a first try thunderbird at this point as long as I start with full HP/MP, that was especially bad
- 23:45 traiLZ: thunder bird hit hard this seed, 3 hearts
- 23:47 traiLZ: hey man, thanks for the race
- 23:47 traiLZ: we should do this again sometime
- 23:47 traiLZ: i am gonna record the race and roll out
- 23:47 traiLZ: GGs, thanks again for the race
- 23:47 Big__Slammu: yeah, was definitely fun. thanks you as well
- 23:47 traiLZ: i'll be off the next few days if you wanna race some more
- 23:47 traiLZ: just hit me up
- 23:48 Race result recorded by traiLZ#5631